AoS style gameplay, minus the heroes with melee
-Ideas•100%, but I will take suggestions
-Unit placement•10%
-Players•4 human
•4 computers, one allied with each player
-Map tileset•Jungle
-Map size•196x196
Each player has a base in each corner of the map. They will have one SCV and one probe to start with. The SCV builds buildings for additional men, such as the marine. The probe builds buildings which transforms into other buildings like siege tanks and such. The players will also automatically spawn men to send to each other's bases. There will be mineral fields across the map for expansions and further mining. Minerals will never disapear, but gas can be depleted.
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•Commanding a base with no support from heroes.
-Special•Every X kills, players will get a special unit to attack the enemy bases.
Screenshots / Demo
None yet, as I haven't actually started the map.
Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template or you get smitten!)You'll notice that I said that there might be four computer players. I am not sure if I want players to be able to horde the men that automatically spawn, or if I want them to be forced to attack. If I do add computer players, they will control the men that automatically spawn.
12/30/06-This is taking longer than I thought, mainly because I'm making things all symettrical and such, and I'm lazy. I am working on it though.
1/14/06-I am lazy as mess.