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Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Is A Starcraft Monopoly Map Possible?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by StarEditron 4000 on 2004-08-11 at 14:35:36
One thing I've always wondered is if a Starcraft Monopoly map is possible. You know, the classic board game monopoly? But imagine how many triggers it would take? It could be an interesting map. wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Vindexus on 2004-08-11 at 14:59:37
Definetely possible, but it would take a loooonnnnggg time. More time than I'd care to do. You could give it a shot if you think your up to it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stereo on 2004-08-11 at 15:32:38
It's possible but as he said, lots of work tongue.gif The big part is getting all the property rents put in.. there are 6 possibilities per property and they don't follow any formula for 4 of those 6 so you can't make simple triggers ohmy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Bringer on 2004-08-11 at 15:42:11
One my friends on Bnet is making a Monopoly map and his progress looks good so far.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2004-08-11 at 15:49:48
Its possible. I made terrain for it once, but I never got to actually finishing it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Revelade on 2004-08-11 at 16:15:45
Yep, what they ^ said. Mapping is pretty much not difficult at all. It's just tedious and you need patience and have to do lots of simple thing... time consuming sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-08-11 at 17:43:22
There already a Monopoly bound... (Hard) But... Impossible it's not a word!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2004-08-11 at 17:45:23
i was gonna do one but salacious(u) was practically done with his pinch.gif so i didnt bother to finish it
Report, edit, etc...Posted by illusion(SS) on 2004-08-11 at 17:51:28
lol i have thought abotu a monoply map oncec, everythign is pritty straight forward, excpet for the dice roll, moveing the pices, and the rents
Report, edit, etc...Posted by WoahNelly[T] on 2004-08-11 at 17:59:15
wait yeah how do you do the dice roll?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2004-08-11 at 18:02:25
randomize it and have sum kinda display to show the dice
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Vindexus on 2004-08-11 at 18:04:36
- Whoever
- Always
- Randomize Switch 1
- Randomize Switch 2
- Randomize Switch 3

- Players
- Bring unit to Roll Dice
- Switch 1 is set
- Switch 2 is set
- Switch 3 is set
- Move from Roll Dice to Before Roll Dice
- Randomize Switch 1
- Randomize Switch 2
- Randomize Switch 3
- Move 1 Space

- Players
- Bring unit to Roll Dice
- Switch 1 is clear
- Switch 2 is set
- Switch 3 is set
- Move from Roll Dice to Before Roll Dice
- Randomize Switch 1
- Randomize Switch 2
- Randomize Switch 3
- Move 2 Spaces

Having three switches will give you 8 options, so you'll have to make a trigger for the last two options that just rerandomizes the switches.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-08-11 at 18:19:39
You could use like 5 locations to make it. smile.gif

Relative movement could be used and such. Let me make an example map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stereo on 2004-08-11 at 18:45:40
I've made monopoly maps before.. there are many things you can do.
You can have 4 locations (1 for each side) that order the unit to the next side's location while they have moves left. Then you place a burrowed unit at every square and have a location follow the player. Every time a burrowed unit enters it you subtract one move and set a switch. Every time there are none you clear the switch. When your moves are 0 you center the location on the burrowed unit and move it there, if you have hyper triggers it looks like it stops.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2004-08-11 at 18:53:31
Um, ya, possible.
What would be so hard about it?(I haven't played Monopoly in a while, can't remember rules exactly... )
Someone should make a Monopoly-basedStrategy game...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-08-11 at 19:01:10
Why make it THAT complicated? Make it so whatever ammount of moves that player has, add a score. Then make four triggers like this(One for each direction):

Player has at least 1 "moves left"(Custom score added after dice roll).
Player brings at least 1 unit to "bottom".
Player has 0 deaths of whatever unit.
Subtract 1 "moves left" for player.

(Do relative movement triggers here over the player... I don't feel like doing anything really...)

Order Player to move to "move left".
Add ??? deaths of whatever unit.
Preserve Trigger.

Player has at least 1 death of whatever unit.
Subtract 1 death of whatever unit.
Preserve Trigger.

Ok. You should understand most of it, I'll just explain what the other things are for.

Player has 0 deaths of whatever unit.

This will prevent the unit from moving right away. For example: The unit comes from location "bottom" to location "left". The unit will move up right when it gets in that location. This should prevent it from doing that.

EDIT: Oh yea, just to tell you, the locations should be the same size as the square.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2004-08-11 at 19:05:04
you would also need all the community and chance cards and there r alot of them and randomize them too also there r like 26 deed cards u need or at least info about them and have a system to make sure players evenly distribute houses over their properties while letting them to choose where they want to have a house
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stereo on 2004-08-11 at 19:15:12
What do you mean make it complicated and then you talk about making a bunch of complicated triggers? My method is quite simple.
player has at least 1 "moves lef" (however you counted this)
switch 0 is set (movement in progress)
order units at bottom to left
order units at left to top
move location "curplayer" to unit
preserve trigger

comp brings at least 1 'zergie' to "curplayer"
switch 1 is cleared
switch 0 is set
set switch 1
subtract 1 "moves left"
preserve trigger

comp brings at most 0 'zergie' to "curplayer"
switch 1 is set
sw. 0 is set
clear switch 1
preserve trigger

sw 0 is set
player has 0 "moves left"
move location "curplayer" to unit of curplayer
move unit at curplayer to curplayer (halts)
clear switch 0
preserve trigger

Then to let a player move, you randomize the dice until something good happens, and set switch 0.
It's the so called "relative movement triggers" that are the problem.. this method uses quite simple triggers for the same effect.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2004-08-11 at 19:50:05
does ne1 no how many community and chance cards there r? i lost my monopoly game
if u were to let ppl choose what kinda "piece" they want to be what unit would u make each piece like horse,ship,hat,car, etc.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by R)ii(P on 2004-08-11 at 20:13:12
ya but it gona be super hard wit lots of trigs
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheeZe on 2004-08-11 at 20:17:28
this is intersting..maybe i should make it... wink.gif

someone give me a list of all the cards and places !!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by FamDav on 2004-08-11 at 20:33:27
And don't forget auctioning!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kow on 2004-08-11 at 21:12:05
I havent read any of the top befor i post this but i tried to make one, i have rolling triggers and i tried the move triggers, perfect terrain adn labled locatoins, if you use this plz give me credit ty,
names are:

It was a joint project...

Oh btw there are 25 for each... if i have qthe time... ill post what each is...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Burbble on 2004-08-11 at 23:21:43
Yeh, I started making Monopoly for Starcraft... just stopped though. I could easily finish it, but I probably won't because it's simply too much work and effort to put into a map that won't be popular.

I finished the terrain and buildings. The dice works, and pieces move around the board (for all four players), jail works just like the real game. Started the mortgages. But nothing else is done.

Also, I started it a while ago, and my skills (and available utilities) have since improved, so I would probably redo the majority of the terrain and possibly the unit placement.

Ahh, memories... smile.gif

Edit: Wow, a lot of posts appeared as I was writing. I also had a method for the Community Chest / Chance cards: assign a unit to correspond to each card, and put them all in an isolated location. Pull one out at random to another location, and "read" it. When there are none left, move them all back into the "deck". This makes it a whole lot more realistic, since it's like taking cards from a real deck... (Ok, Mr. Obvious, be quiet now...)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheeZe on 2004-08-11 at 23:23:41
QUOTE(Burbble @ Aug 11 2004, 10:21 PM)
Yeh, I started making Monopoly for Starcraft... just stopped though. I could easily finish it, but I probably won't because it's simply too much work and effort to put into a map that won't be popular.

I finished the terrain and buildings. The dice works, and pieces move around the board (for all four players), jail works just like the real game. Started the mortgages. But nothing else is done.

Also, I started it a while ago, and my skills (and available utilities) have since improved, so I would probably redo the majority of the terrain and possibly the unit placement.

Ahh, memories...  smile.gif

may i have the map? i will try to finish it happy.gif (give you credit of course!)
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