Alright, I'm having trouble giving my BattleCruiser a turret. I want this turret to be invincible, and I've been attempting to use the siege tank's siege turret to do it. Its crashed every time
Anyone know anything about this?
I seem to remember someone mentioning once that turrets require not just ice-ing and DAT editing, but also LO? editing... but I am not 100% sure.
What exactly did you do for giving a turret to BattleCruiser ?
did u check the count of frames GRP in comparison with BC and Turret ?
and *.lo file was correct ?
i don't know exactly what is the need to fix problem
but there is a example file which is an patch file gives the wraith a mutalisk as a turret.
she changed the lol file for the wraith to make the mutalisk look like it is following the wraith. SF has made link in she's Website
Yeah, ShadowFlare made an example mod. I know that a .lol file is necessary for a turret to display correctly (Missile Turret, Siege Tank, Goliath, and Science Vessel all have one,) but it's never worked for me either. You need the .lol, the imgol command, and the .dat edits to all work together correctly for the turret to operate correctly.
When is it crashing? The battlecruiser shouldn't normally need anything besides a units.dat mod to give it a turret, unless something on the turret is causing it to crash.
O man I have become a turret pro thanks to my mod. What you need is to find the battle cruisers entry on the image.dat which is number 250 and set overlay 3 to number 255 or terran\ Doing that will allow it to have the turret.
To make the turret invisible what Ide suggest is making a whole new unit, find some grp that you wont be using and make its frames all black so its entirely invisible. Thats what I did now you cant see it at all.
Wewt, got it to work!
Thanks, everyone.