Ok so recently I have been learning to iscript, (Yes I didn't know how to iscript), but right now more than my iscript It's IceCC which is being ...Abnormal. Anyways, I have my Script, everyone says it's ok but for some reason IceCC won't compile it. It doesn't give an error when compiling I jus press the the button and the iscript is not saved. (Yes I do know how to compile scripts).
I added Special abilities entries to a building and that's why it doesn't compile I guess... because I take that away and it does compile.
I will provide the script if you need it
QUOTE(Corbo(MM) @ Dec 12 2006, 07:50 PM)
[color=#FF1493]... (Yes I do know how to compile scripts)...
Do you also know how to compile via the CL (command line) ?
I found it to be a lot better in many ways... my favorite is having iceCC in my Tools folder located in my SC Dev folder and I placed a batch file on my desktop which automatically compiles the script I make (I have a file "Input.txt" which I use to add or modify stuff).
Plus the errors are also displayed there (as long as you add a "pause" in your batch file, of course
Of course, unless the problem is something like you using old IceCC opcodes on IceCC 1.3 or viceversa
Which version of ICECC are you using? Versions older than 1.3 (ShadowFlare's updated version) will sometimes not return error messages when something's wrong. Look through your code and search for any bugs, since I doubt it's ICECC. If you fix the bugs, it'll compile. If you don't have 1.3, get it. You'll, unfortunately, need to compile and decompile the code again to get it in the right format, which means the problems still need to be fixed, but it will help in the long run.
I probably have one of the oldest versions of IceCC, I'm going to download a new one right away.
P.S. Change your letter color plz!
Once you've downloaded it, post the script so we can see it.
This color better? Yes, It's better. The other one I could barely read it.
Where can I download IceC 1.3? The one on SeN is updated?
I'm not sure. ShadowFlare's realm has it, and the SME hosts ShadowFlare's realm.
Wow, It took me like 15 minutes to find SF's realm... people really need to update their links
anyways this is what I got
And here's the Script:
Teh Kod
Have fun Helping me Btw, The weird thing is that it said "unknown animation" even to some that I didn't even look at until now..
Well, I think that might be because the opcodes are different in 1.3, so most of the former commands are invalid...
There are the new names of the states in the header:
Init [NONE]
Death [NONE]
GndAttkInit [NONE]
AirAttkInit [NONE]
Unused1 [NONE]
GndAttkRpt [NONE]
AirAttkRpt [NONE]
CastSpell [NONE]
GndAttkToIdle [NONE]
AirAttkToIdle [NONE]
Unused2 [NONE]
Walking [NONE]
WalkingToIdle [NONE]
SpecialState1 [NONE]
SpecialState2 [NONE]
AlmostBuilt [NONE]
Built [NONE]
Landing [NONE]
LiftOff [NONE]
IsWorking [NONE]
WorkingToIdle [NONE]
WarpIn [NONE]
Unused3 [NONE]
InitTurret [NONE]
Disable [NONE]
Burrow [NONE]
IceCC 1.3 is
hereThe new script commands are found in "IScript opcodes.txt" in the installation folder.
Word of advice
Always check all the old tools you have for updates. Let me put it this way: download DatEd 1.0 and DatEd 1.4 and you'll see what I mean (I won't mention Arsenal 3)
I'll assume that all of those frames exist. The biggest problems that I could see are that you might need to set "GndAttkToIdle" and "AirAttkToIdle" in the header and that you will probably need goto commands at the ends of the SpAbility scripts. Speaking of the SpAbility scripts, why do you have all three of them? They're the exact same thing...just set all of the orders for the spells to use SpAbility2 and you'll be set.
Indeed. Plus the only one that is actually used is #2 which is actually "use ability".
... btw, I'll assume you gave it a weapon
>>I just wanted somekind of a reference that the 3 abilities were there, in fact I'm going to script something different on two of them.
>>Yes all the frames exist, I made my own building's graphics that replaces starport.
>>And I didn't know I needed a grndattacktoidle, If I'd known I would have added it too.
>>There is Datedit 1.4?
>>No, It's not just number two the one that makes all the thing happens in fact You can edit the orders for any spell to use a different such as SpAbility1 or 3.
P.S. It's fun having an explosion appear everytime the building shoots you should try it some time
I noticed that it explodes. Amusing.
Yes, there is DatEdit 1.4. It was released sometime within the last couple weeks.
I know you can edit the orders. I've always had trouble getting buildings to cast spells, though.
Actually you can't use IScript anims for ANY order, only the ones that already have one (hardcoded limitation).
The GrndAttkToIdle thing is needed indeed. For reference check the Missile Turret or the Colonies.
Yes, there is DatEdit 1.4. It was released sometime within the last couple weeks.
actually it was only a few days ago, the 9th to be exact. Just look for all the posts that me and BK did in the forum lol alot of bugs.
The funny thing is that I am in Datedit 1.0 like TheNomad said.. lol