Okay, if you are somewhat serious about learning how to make maps, I suggest you actually read
Dabbu's Tutorial on WHY hyper triggers work the way they do. Otherwise you can just blindly put in 3 hyper triggers on a comuter player (or for every player) and enjoy the fact that all your triggers will run EVERY 84 MILLISECONDS. That is a very important part of hyper triggers to remember.
In my opinion, waits are worthless in starcraft, because I always use hyper triggers whenever possible. If you want to use a wait at any time, consider removing that wait, and adding in a condition for death counters.
I can't seem to get the triggers to work right now, so just bear without the fancy layout.
Current Player has suffered 12 deaths of <any unkillable unit will do here>
Add 1 ore for Current Player
Preserve Trigger
Then have a separate trigger
Add 1 death of <that unkillable unit> for Current Player
Preserve Trigger
Now, every 12 trigger runs (which is roughly 1 second), the current player will get 1 mineral. Granted it takes up 2 triggers, but it always works, and doesn't bother with nasty unpredictable wait blocks.
Alternatively, if you have read the tutorial, you can setup your hyper triggers to run a tad bit slower, by waiting OVER 84 milliseconds. So, if you wait 100 milliseconds over and over in your hyper triggers, the game will round those off to the next breakpoint, which is probably 168 milliseconds, but I don't know for sure.
The problem with my second method is that all your triggers will run slower, and I don't know by how much. If you really want to know, try it for yourself.
For the hyper triggers to work correctly, you probably have to have them at the top of the trigger list, but again, I'm not entirely sure.