Comment("Marine Force 1");
MoveLocation(Location 6, Marine Force, CurrentPlayer, Location 9);
Bring(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 1, Marine Force, Location 6);
Comment("Marine Force 2");
MoveUnit(1, The Mayor, CurrentPlayer, Location 6, Player one SCV Spawn);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Marine Force, CurrentPlayer, Location 6);
CreateUnit(3, Military Man Regular, Marine Spawn p1, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Gatling Gun, Hero spawn p1, CurrentPlayer);
Okay, I'd condense this into one trigger, like this:
Affects:Force 1
Conditions:Current player commands at least one terran supply depot
Actions:Center location labeled 'Create marines' on terran supply depot owned by current player at Anywhere
Remove 1 terran supply depot at Create marines for current player
Move all terran SCV for current player at Anywhere to SCV spawn
Create 3 terran marine at Create marines for current player
Create 1 Jim Raynor at Create marines for current player
Move all terran SCV for current player at SCV spawn to Create marines
Preserve trigger
And in fact, if I have correctly interpreted the effect you're trying to create, I think this is the only trigger you'll need. However it may have to modified if, for example, you can have more than one SCV at once.
I noticed that you put the Preserve Trigger action second in trigger #2. It still works like that?
Yes, it doesn't matter where in the trigger the preserve trigger action is, it goes on working.
i get unit unplaceable for the marines...
That's strange. Two things I can suggest are one, making Location 6 bigger, or two, having a wait between the supply depot vanishing and the marines appearing.
my trigger i use for mins in the map... goes to fast...
should i just put a wait(Number) in?
If you're using hyper triggers, that probably won't work. Instead, use a counter. Have a set of triggers like this:
Affects:Force 1
Actions:Modify death count for current player: Add 1 deaths of cantina
Preserve trigger
Affects:Force 1
Conditions:Current player has suffered at least 5 deaths of cantina
Actions:Modify death count for current player: Set to 0 deaths of cantina
Modify resources for current player: Add 1 ore
Preserve trigger
The '5' in that second trigger means that you will get minerals once every five times the triggers run. You can edit this number as you please to set different times. As far as I know, hyper triggers using 0 millisecond waits will cause the triggers to fire approximately eight times a second, so you can determine how fast players get resources fairly precisely this way.