Ok... I suppose uve seen the map "Legacy of Hæan"... Well, since i dont know if the creator is still hanging around this forums, and i have a few doubts about his map, i was wondering if u could gimme a hand...
FIRST OF ALL, in his map ur units haver the same color as those of the neutral players... hows that?
SECOND, and most confusing to me! the main guy, a marine, doesnt have vision; or i dont know how to explain it, but whenever u take him into the "Fog of War" he gets lost because, as i said, he has no vision!!
I'd really appreciate if u could tell me... Its a thing ive never seen before and a great tool, in my opinion...
It is simple to do with advanced editors, such as SCMDraft and StarForge. There you can adjust the same color for different players.
To make you units unvision with yourself just execute AI Script for yourself: 'Turn OFF vision for Player N', where N is the number of your player. This feature is also avalible with X-Trea Editor.
QUOTE(Wormer @ Jan 20 2007, 02:24 PM)
It is simple to do with advanced editors, such as SCMDraft and StarForge.
There you can adjust the same color for different players.
To make you units unvision with yourself just execute AI Script: Turn OFF vision for Player N, where N is the number of your player.
Well ima go into detail about the color. SCMDraft has a bunch of sections, just go to Map Properties. There it will have a list of players and changeable colors you can select. Just pick a color like light blue or something.