I have tried several trigger combinations and the only one I can get to work without looping over and over is, if current kill score is at least 1, then add +1 ore/set current kill score to 0/preserve trigger. With this setting, I only get 1 ore for multipe a multiple kill attack. If try and put set current kill score to subtract 1, then it just gives me ore over and over. I will upload my map so you can look at the triggers if needed. But I would like to perfect this trigger if possible. Thanks, Home-Depot.
heh? So you want it to not loop?
well techniquely ya. I want to get 1 mineral for every kill. I don't get more than 1 if I kill too many at once.
Your problem is that for every unit you get different amount of Kills Score. For example for marine you get 50 and for Hydra - 350.
These so called KillsToCash systems have already been done hundreds of times. You can look
If it is a one player RPG, use computer deaths instead of kills. It is much easier.
Trigger |
Players: |
¤ P1 |
Conditions: |
¤ P8 has at least 1 Hydralisk death |
Actions: |
¤ P8 hydralisk death -1
¤ P1 add 1 mineral
¤ Preserve Trigger |
You can always use the kills to cash perfect system, in the tutorial database, although, what I like to do is add a certain amount of money for how many points you get, so a zergling gives you fifty kill points, so if player one has a kill score of at least 300, give him minerals and subract 300 kill score, that way bigger units give more money, and smaller units take more to even get money.
Read the
tutorial for Perfect Kills to Cash.
Download the
sample map if you need another representation.
Here's some more at the MMwiki.
Maplantis has a third way in their wiki, but it's down right now.
There is a program that make triggers for this. (SC TriggersXresources i guess)
I don't remember the link.