Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Inventory System
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2004-08-14 at 17:41:57
Well i made a new inventory system for my map, it uses one unit to scroll through each unit you have in your inventory to switch units, so far it works perfectly and is much better than my other different versions it cycles through each weapon you have by checking your minerals, everytime you unload a probe it adds a mineral until you get to 8 minerals then it resets back to 0, 0 minerals is a zergling, 1 is a gun, 2 is a rifle, etc. and if you dont have a certain weapon than it will just add another mineral to skip it
its like an FPS inventory system like in james bond or dukenukem

o lol i forgot bout one thing my upgrades lol which require min, no worries its ezily fixed, ill just use like a custom counter instead of using minerals lol happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Battleaxe3 on 2004-08-14 at 18:02:39
Thats alot better then your other system you had! I hope your Marine to Vulture switch works this time hehe. O and YAY you got ride of that dirt stuff on your temple wall!!!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2004-08-14 at 18:13:18
blah only one problem since tank is sieged it messes up the inventory cuz it thinks you picked it up but it dont move >.< so for now i just disabled siege

and right now im just gonna change the mineral counter to custom so it dont interfere with picking up minerals EDIT: ok fixed that now its v11

ok i fixed lots more, like range is fixed now and u can get the tank now too happy.gif only thing is that when u get pistol it changes to pistol without unloading for sum reason but its just a minor glitch

edit: by request of minimoose happy.gif now u can scroll through weapons BOTH ways happy.gif oddly the trigs r now simpler xD so it is now v14

edit: hehe another edit i made the fists zealots isntead of lings cuz they look more human happy.gif and i changed the units that get loaded into the dropship to bigger units so they fill up the whole dropship so its ezier to click happy.gif now its v15
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