Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Welcome -> Chooie's Found You Guys Again
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-18 at 21:01:25
heh, it has been a while, i got a way form staredit and this site pops up since the old one died.(figures don't it smile.gif) but here is what i have to say. while i have been gone got into outwar. (dam those addicting games smile.gif ) but i decided to make my own version of it. but base it more on user posted image you can get more information at (just got the site up about 3 days ago so some of it is still under construction) incase you are interested. I am looking for developers for graphics and codding. also shadownite is working on it too smile.gif (he is lead graphics with the leader of XEN if he besides to help out.) but my board isn't as modified as Yoshi's here. but it gets what it needs to done. I also have a copy of the latest Darkactive Clan Script incase someone is interested in using it. the only problem is is that is the site is at but I can change that.

now how do i get one of those project bars yoshi?

nice to be back,

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2004-08-18 at 21:06:05
Hello old friend, after TSE forums died most of us dissapeared, now we are getting back on SEN tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-18 at 21:07:11
ya i see that wish i could have found you guys earler.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2004-08-18 at 21:15:01
>> <<

QUOTE (just got the site up about 3 days ago so some of it is still under construction) incase you are interested.
I've noticed that theres a rising cult of invision-engine websites.

Keep in mind I started the trend biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by timmy8586 on 2004-08-18 at 21:17:35
Hey chooie, long time no see. BlizzWars seems like something interesting, I might be able to help. What language will it be coded in? PHP?
EDIT: I was afk when you messaged me on AIM before.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-18 at 21:25:53
ah ok
@yoshi seen u arround on invsionize but i never realised that it was u from staredit.

i love the trend smile.gif

i am trying to get shadow nite to get over here. (we managed to stay intuch)

@yoshi again. i am probably going to get my webhosting company off the ground this weekend (finaly) just incase you need a server or anyone needs one.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2004-08-18 at 21:31:54
@yoshi seen u arround on invsionize but i never realised that it was u from staredit.

Yeah, I hang there because I'm not a big enough PHP programmer to make my own modules.

i love the trend
I'm serious tongue.gif So many sites got invision engines after me.

i am probably going to get my webhosting company off the ground this weekend (finaly) just incase you need a server or anyone needs one.

Thats okay. The one I have is perfect.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-08-18 at 21:44:52
that's fine, but i still have an un used darkactive script i would like to use. i had to pay for it!!! just need a clan who needs it + a host.

and eveyone is going to go give some suggestions to blizzwars!!!

i will be sure to have all people who made suggetstions screen names to be added to the credits list smile.gif
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