Too many people make threads that they need once to ask for something, then it gets locked but never deleted. Shouldn't threads that are dead be well removed? I see people make mistakes like double post and double thread a bit too much... Maybe you could add a big delete thread/post option instead of making it hidden on the bottom left corner...
Moderators have a multipule delete option. I'm hoping in SEN V4 this problem will not occur anymore, as I have yet to find out HOW the problem happens.
You cant fix what you dont know.
When I see a double topic I delete. Chances are you don't notice because it's gone already.

When I double thread I delete, chances are you won't notice because it's gone already

Yoshi, is there any way you can make a mod, when you click the button it checks to see if there have been any threads with the same name that's on the first page?
EDIT: You should set the auto-lock to 2 months. I see too many ancient and derelect threads that are still open.
QUOTE(EzDay2 @ Aug 21 2004, 02:38 PM)
EDIT: You should set the auto-lock to 2 months. I see too many ancient and derelect threads that are still open.
Are you on crack? Its set to 1 month currently, and SEN v4 will have it to 15 days.
QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Aug 21 2004, 03:05 PM)
Are you on crack?
While this question was directed towards him, erm... nevermind.

ONE month?
WHAT? Is it working properly?
Perfectly the last time I checked.
Im up for deleting the double topics/posts, but old topics should just remain locked; never know when one of them might have a handy, obscure bit of info that could come up in a search.
thats true.
yoshi create a forum that no new posts can be put into, but topics can be moved into if they have enogh importance. the problem is, i am not to sure on how the delte topic function will work. you may want to work on somthing that will not delete topics in a certain catorgory.
That makes searching more difficult. You wouldn't think to search the "trash" forum for how to disable a beacon or whatnot.
i was thinking more of an arcived section
The picture speaks for itself. I am not asking niz to get punished, I am merely asking the option be shown out more rather than hidden in the left bottom corner where people may forget it.
wow. he should have his warning level increased. posting mutliple topics like that should be considered spam. but sometimes the server will mess up and post the same topic multiple times.
delete unused topics would be good indeed
ya, Yoshi you Really need to delete old and unused topics so that when you update to v4 it doesnt take forever.
What's worse is that it takes 300 posts to get the moderation bar and since most newbs that multi-post don't have it, it's like stepping into a mine field without a mine detector.
wow, 300 posts that is a lot of free time. lol i am only on 33
Again, I'm NOT trying to get these people in trouble. They did it on accident, but they, themselves can't do anything because they don't have the moderation options ability which comes at 300 posts... Something must be done because it would help the mods out as well.
ya, the modorators are not doing there jobs

jk but people need to wait, sometimes it takes a while for the server to process your request.
QUOTE(chooie333 @ Aug 26 2004, 03:38 PM)
ya, the modorators are not doing there jobs

jk but people need to wait, sometimes it takes a while for the server to process your request.
Its normal member's job pm the moderators about that things. The forum is too big and we cannot check everything. So colaboration, please.