after thinking about it for a while i think i may have found a way to stop stacking in ums maps. first of all u need a location that can move to a building that will be stacked.
player controls 2 of the said building in the 1 location
defeat or center veiw somewhere and disable a zergling in that spot. (it crashes sc
im going to make a map to confirm it. if anyone beats me to it post their map. hopefully this will help you people.
How about just not allowing stacking in the map by not putting triggers to remove vision.
ANd the thing is taht wouldn't work since the location would only center on one of the buildings, so if the stacked on one with out the location nothign would happen.
1) anti stack HACK protection major emphasis on hack 2) good point must correct.
What if they build 2 buildings, both half in the location?
What if the location's size doesn't match the unit? Then you might be able to fit two.
If the location is 1x1 then if you center it on a cannon cannons stacked at all will fire the trigger, cannons unstacked will not. Same for other 2x2 buildings. For larger ones just make it 1 less in each dimension.
If you don't need the stack checking to be continuouos you could center the location on a building, check, give to another player, center on the next, check, etc. then give them all back when it's done. This could also remove stacked ones my giving to another player before checking, then killing all buildings still owned by the player.
You could set it off by having some player say "check for stacked buildings" via some method (kill a unit, mine a resource, etc.
This method would not work because how will you center the location on different units and move to the next one or something? Well my methods are better anyway. Taken from the "Hack Reports" thread.
Stack Hack and Creep hack - [METHOD 1] This is very simple. This may
║not work with all stack hacks, but it works with the current popular one. Well
║anyway, you can simply have under every player the following trigger:
║PLAYERS: -Player-
║ACTIONS: Execute AI script Turn on Shared Vision for -Player-
║Preserve trigger
║(Hyper triggers optional)
║[METHOD 2] This is a different way, if the other one doesn't work, or you have a
║certain type of map. Place map revealers for a computer player all over the
║place and have the computer player vision the human player. The human player
║will not be able to stack because of the computer player's vision.
║[METHOD 3] This is a more strategic way, which is to have 2 squares of terrain,
║close to each other so they are visable to units on opposite squares(but not
║touching each other), and have it surrounded by water/space/null terrain or
║something. Place a marine on one square for the player, and have a trigger
║always create enemy spider mines with a wait time in the other square. Then
║have another trigger execute when 2 or more spider mines are in the other
║square to alert all other players that someone is stacking. This works because
║when a player has unvisioned himself, his units do not normally attack since the
║player no longer has sight of that area.
You're looking for methods 1 and 3.
Even if your method did work, people would get pissed because their buildings would keep getting deselected.
All those methods rely on problems in the way the stack hack works, they don't remove stacked buildings... and what if someone
What building would you stack that needs to be selected? You can only select the top one unless they're offset slightly..
Buildings wouldn't be deselected because you wouldn't be unvisioning yourself duh.
Let's see you come up with an "anti-stacking" trigger... oh yea lets just move a location over the area he's stacking at. You detect it how? How much strings are you going to use for this "anti-stacking trigger". My methods are much better than that. Simple. It works. There's no way to unvision yourself and be able to keep attacking units. Wait... you CAN'T unvision yourself... what happened? Blizzard PATCHED it. We're talking about a hack right?
As I think I said, it would be something the players could set off. Something like, "remove stacked buildings" and then it would do that. As long as you're not stacking yourself you have nothing to lose by doing it, but you would probably want it to have to be some kind of consensus to prevent someone from doing it over and over to disrupt the game.
In order to do this location thing, u'd need to location the entire map, or spend hours making the triggers to center the location on each and every building
lordvolkas right...''maby on this one''
I have an idea. Have like units of comp go at some location, and the player has to shoot them. Make them have like 1 hp and have a marine there to kill the ling. If the player stacks, and unvisions himself... He cant shoot the ling, therefore the ling gets to destination, ending in defeat.
Isn't that what I already posted?? Maybe I didn't make it clear enough...
I didnt quite get yours, so I posted a simple version.