[SIZE=7]I have often pondered the reasons for unused, disabled and other units crashing Starcraft. I have investigated this matter on my own. CONTRARY to what many say, the crash is not caused by a graphics error. The game actually crashes due to a procesing error in Starcraft. This is caused by an overload. This deserves an explanation. In order to minimize lag and make gameplay more efficient, Blizzard made players only process what's on or very near their screen. That is why a crashing unit dosn't crash everyone (including comps
) AI's never crash, no matter what units they control, because AI's don't process anything the way human players do. They process only the basic stats. (Hitpoints, armor, shields, mana, etc.) Human players process other things as well such as:graphics, flags,etc. In order for the units that are in the game not to be removed for no reason, they all have a player. So why aren't the doodads removed, well that's simple. The doodads are always being processed as well as the terrain. They are processed by your computer. Your computer processes them a very small amount (enough not to crash from crashing units.) I have met a situation where units are removed in a map. I didn't save a picture or replay of it. I know of only a few things that crash the game for everyone without being processed on your screen. One of which is the Drone crash. When the drone starts morphing to a Hatchery, you tell it to burrow right before the button dissapears. If you see the drone your game will crash. The drone also causes a 'shockwave' that crashes the game for everyone else after a few seconds. I have hypothesized a reason for this. The Drone 'confuses' your computer. The computer thinks: "That the drone is a building so I should remove the Drone." At the same time, it's thinking: "Hey, I can't remove the Drone because the designated Drone to be removed is burrowing, so it can't be that one." Normally, the game should do one of the following: 1.Have the Hatchery be built and remove the burrowed Drone. (probaly would't hapen) 2.Start building a Hatchery right over the burrowed Drone. (more logical and more likely) However, Starcraft has to remove a Drone because it's script says so. Because it can't find a solution being processed by you (it turns to your screen and any unit you have first), so it turns to the other players and processes it for them (and you if you avoided the first crash). However, it dosn't process it using your screen, it processes through your screen. (Meaning like you saw the crashing Drone but you actually didn't) Since you processed the Drone, your game has an overload and crashes. Most crashes are caused by an overload. Some overloads are caused by a lack of data such as the unused structures. The structures lack a piece of data needed to be processed correctly. When something on my computer crashes, I have the options of seeing why. So I did. It told me about the graphics. The graphics were normal. Just a Scout without a following shadow sprite. I'm no computer wiz, so most of the stuff was Greek to me. However, I understood that the units was lacking data. The flags were: 000000000000000 (unsure of the number of zeros) All units have at least some flag data. 000000000000000 is the same as nothing. There are also other areas that lack data as well. I am sure of one thing, it wasn't a graphics error. BTW, the unit was an Unused Command Center.
So in conclusion:
1. Crashes are data overloads, not graphics errors.
2. In most cases. your game will only crash if a crashing unit is processed on your screen.
3. The lacking of data also causes crashing.