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Report, edit, etc...Posted by Andy on 2004-09-05 at 21:46:14
I have a few ideas that this forums could implement to make this a top notch place, and too weed out some clusternuts.

1) On the join page of the forum place an IQ test, nothing big but something that will keep ":censored:ing retarded censored.gif head slapnuts" from joining the forum. If this is not possible, maybe a age validation to make sure everyone is over 6 years old, because I'm not totally sure everyone here is. (Let's go wild and set it to 7 years)

2) Maybe an automated spellcheck, because I'm positive no one here manually checks their own writing, mainly because I dont check my own myself.

3) Harder moderators that dont take part in posts that they should be moderating or moderators who dont participate in the forums themselfes.

4) Lose the post counter and just go with knowing who makes good posts. The effect will be two fold; (i)Half the spammers will just plain leave, and (ii) It will be like hitting spammers with a brick, because they will not be able to show new people who join the forums what they have widely acheived.

Holy censored.gif if any of this happens, because I have only ever saw it happen on one forum.
EDIT: Just because some people were not clear about everything in here, the IQ test and age validation was sarcasim althought it would be nice not to have preschoolers here.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-09-05 at 21:55:37
I also believe that the minerals, store, army, and pet should be removed from the website. Then a big fat message everywhere saying "DO NOT MISTAKE THE FORUMS FOR THE SHOUTBOX.".
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-09-05 at 22:03:36
oh noes!!11!1 fo my shizzle nizzle!

Well i have to agree with some of your points andy... but i have to disagree with 2 of them.

1.- Iq Test: Errr...?, why an IQ test?, its just pointless, have you ever read that most of those test wont give you an exact result?, probably not even near, because it would be damn hard to find a test that will make you apply everything..., those maths IQ tests, are just for Math area... it dosent mean anything...

2.- Age: Well... i dont think anyone here is under 10...

3.- Spellcheck: My shizzle nizzle!! tongue.gif, there is no automated spellchekcer what will correct every damn word that exist on the world, plus when you try to write something to express a feeling, or anything thats not known by the checker, will result on a complete disaster

4.- No post count: I agree with that, dissapoints me on most of the forums, because im used to it tongue.gif, but its a good idea...

5.- Dont mind the numbers... lol...

Now with DT:

Yes it should, even arcade should... but thats more "general", a pet into a map making site?, lol..., shoutbox is a damn bad idea if not well moderated, just check that tongue.gif,...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MindArchon on 2004-09-06 at 02:04:17
Yes. no post counts would be fantastic..

Armies should be removed.. as of minerals.. and the "glowy names". These only encourages losers to spam.

Also i think privileges for "regulars" should be removed. It just encourages losers to spam some more.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2004-09-06 at 02:10:31
And discourages people from posting at all.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Andy on 2004-09-06 at 10:12:53
Holy censored.gif DT_Battlekruser, your one of the people I'm talking about. Your not supposed to post to get :censored:ing forum advantages, you're supposed to post starcraft information about mapping. Those are called forum ADD-ONS for a damn good reason, they add to a community. If you want, I could recommend you to a :censored:ing carebears site if you want bright names, and games.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-09-06 at 10:18:54
1) I don't know if I'm with you or not. Yes the IQ test eliminates lots of stupid noobs, but what about the noob who just wants some mapping help? Age restriction will fit in quite well.

2)Yes i agree on that, sometimes I don't understand what people say.

3)This I don't agree. A moderator should be part of the community in order to know how, what and why to moderate.

4)Meh, post count don't matter. I don't care if no changes are made on this one or if your system is implemented. It will be the same for me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2004-09-06 at 10:59:50
Dom, first of all, I'm DK, not DT.

1. IQ tests don't have to be about math.

2. Well a lot of people seem to act like they are.

3. You're an idiot. People he's talking about would just type some stupid censored.gif that is completely OBVIOUS it can be corrected by the spell checker. Nothing results in a disaster unless your whole post is your "feeling", which is impossible unless you have 0 content in your post.

BeeR_KeG[eM], the IQ test won't keep out newbs, it will keep out idiots who spam for no reason. The newbs can still join and learn about mapping. if they can't pass the IQ test then they shouldn't even be mapping.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2004-09-06 at 11:33:58
Holy censored.gif DT_Battlekruser, your one of the people I'm talking about. Your not supposed to post to get :censored:ing forum advantages, you're supposed to post starcraft information about mapping. Those are called forum ADD-ONS for a damn good reason, they add to a community. If you want, I could recommend you to a :censored:ing carebears site if you want bright names, and games.

Yes, but certain newbies post to get them. While it may attract spam, it also encourages people to be active. With an active community, we can help many more people. Why do you think other forums also show post count and have ranks? I swear I think you are angry becuase you don't have privelges and you want them but don't want to have to make the effort of posting.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2004-09-06 at 13:48:35
I'm trying to crack down on noobs as much as I can, but I don't want to turn into a Nazi. Spammers and Mineral Posts are a very annoying part of the community due to the recent increase in noobs around here. I try to deal with them through warning PMs... in the past two weeks I've sent out about ten... before that I was lucky if I had to once a month. A lot of people have told me lately to clear these people out, but that's really Yoshi's job.
I think ranks and privileges should be either based on seniority or moderator-awarded. I don't think it's fair that some people can sit at their computer all day and alternate every post between someone else's in there and build of 50% of the posts in every topic. In my opinion, those people need to get lives.... and... if people can't find the Fog of War layer in StarEdit, spend 2 minutes looking over past topics before posting, or using a Search feature in a forum, then mapping isn't really for them either. They won't turn out anything better than "BUKNER WRAZ X ==FINAL v7.3239!!!1" with units named "Turet" and "Mareen". But, don't get me wrong, I would rather see some half-assed maps then read 50 posts by some loser he made in an hour that I have to waste my time reading when he could've just logged off for 55 minutes of that hour and just made one post later.

Just my thoughts.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-09-06 at 14:24:29
I think ranks and privileges should be either based on seniority or moderator-awarded.

Also let the public decide. Based upon what rating you recieve is what level you are.
Then again some people give yoshi a 10 just because he owns the site and not because he did domething good.

Although the public won't be such a good idea, it could be implemented. Like If a moderator gives you a 5/10 you can vote 5 times. Then you get a 1/10 you get 1 vote.

But then friends will start helping each other giving 10's to one another.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2004-09-06 at 20:55:23
I'm trying to crack down on noobs as much as I can, but I don't want to turn into a Nazi. Spammers and Mineral Posts are a very annoying part of the community due to the recent increase in noobs around here. I try to deal with them through warning PMs... in the past two weeks I've sent out about ten... before that I was lucky if I had to once a month. A lot of people have told me lately to clear these people out, but that's really Yoshi's job.
I think ranks and privileges should be either based on seniority or moderator-awarded. I don't think it's fair that some people can sit at their computer all day and alternate every post between someone else's in there and build of 50% of the posts in every topic. In my opinion, those people need to get lives...

Don't insult me because I don't have a life and visit SEN at least 3 times a day. cry.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2004-09-06 at 22:29:59
I know these forums are going absolutely insane. I did absolutely nothing to get people in here...

Anyways, I have some better ideas:
> Minerals reflect on length of post
> Post counter will be removed (remain in profile, and there will be ranks.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-09-06 at 22:50:59
Minerals reflect on length of post

Im gona be rich


ADDITION: For all you idoits out there i was not spamming, i was saying how this could esaily be abused
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KiLLeR2001 on 2004-09-06 at 22:52:19
Yeah I agree with High, people will just make long drawn out posts just to achieve maximum amount of minerals.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Yoshi da Sniper on 2004-09-06 at 22:54:49
Then I'll friggin suspend, hows that?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KiLLeR2001 on 2004-09-06 at 23:01:18
Some posts can be very informative without having to be 5 paragraphs long. Only if there were a way to base mineral count on content and structure in posts...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-09-06 at 23:14:04
They wont do what i did, they would just draw there sentences out redicualy long so you probally couldnt suspend them for it (well you could but i dont hink you would want to beacuse your like yoshi, the admin and your uber and this entence is way to long and not even finished) and they could just keep doing it and doing it and doing it untill they are rich and they probally could have summed by there whole bunch of useless (well maybe it would have some use) babble.
You know i realised this sentence wassnt long enough so i will have to add alot more crap here to prove my point, ok well its not crap, its my point, well maybe it is crap, maybe it isnt, who cares? I do! do you care? im sure you do? ha? This post isnt spam, im saying alot of things here, but does it have any use, i wonder how much money i would get from this worthless peice of censored.gif of a post .. wel a post can literally be a peice of censored.gif but you knows whats im saying? Do you? i bet you do, dont lie! DONT LIE ISAID DONT :censored:ING LIE. Wow this post is really long im gona get rich wow im so newbish and kool w00t. This isnt spam at all is it? But does it help someone? NO, wait diodnt i already say that? yes? no? who cares, ill say it agian FFS cause im greedy and want posts anyway, im gona be rich by the time i finish this post, i mean, how informative is it, its told you alot hassnt it? hassnt it? i bet it has wooo!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zombie on 2004-09-06 at 23:43:04
Here is my things

1. keep da damn pets i like them!

2.Post count should stay along with ranks... (what the censored.gif why do we need it removed and damn if they spam suspend there censored.gif ass!)

3.The ages thing is a terrible... but there is nothing we can really do but put a iq test wich i would probally fail sense im so stupid!

4. and the spell check there is nothing really we could do because i have terrible spelling but i use it... sum times! (if we had a automatic speller it would go terribly wrong!)

5.The forums will go insane as people come... like this forums but don't go there omfg there crazy as hell!

Thats all i have to say..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2004-09-07 at 00:34:24
> Minerals reflect on length of post
> Post counter will be removed (remain in profile, and there will be ranks.)

1: great idea, then the short posts that aren't spam don't infurate people.
2: what the censored.gif ? Leave the post count...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-09-07 at 00:44:21
Remove post count, do it, it has really helped some forums i know
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-09-07 at 02:28:55
Whats the minerals for the lengths? like 1 min for 50 Charcacters? 2 for 100? etc
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-09-07 at 02:42:09
a mineral per line i think would be good
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chooie333 on 2004-09-07 at 17:50:40
ok, here's my responce to your topic.

1. iq test. pointless, since you are suposed to be 13, or have parental/guardian consent to join any online chat type fucntoin (coppa) yoshi just hasn't enabled this. he should though.

2. we are not related to any school or grading function, who cares about the spelling

3. moderators are doing what they can, there are just too many people that are young, and dont know what they are saying.

4. i doubt the spammers will just leave, it takes more then that to get rid of them.

(love the edit though)

and in responce to your sig: 100% perticipation isnt that hard too keep once you got it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-09-07 at 21:46:36
A mineral per line? i think it should be like a mineral per sentence, the shops items cost way to much in my opinion... by the time you get a shadow or glow you'll most likely be ranked Elite biggrin.gif
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