oh noes!!11!1 fo my shizzle nizzle!
Well i have to agree with some of your points andy... but i have to disagree with 2 of them.
1.- Iq Test: Errr...?, why an IQ test?, its just pointless, have you ever read that most of those test wont give you an exact result?, probably not even near, because it would be damn hard to find a test that will make you apply everything..., those maths IQ tests, are just for Math area... it dosent mean anything...
2.- Age: Well... i dont think anyone here is under 10...
3.- Spellcheck: My shizzle nizzle!!
, there is no automated spellchekcer what will correct every damn word that exist on the world, plus when you try to write something to express a feeling, or anything thats not known by the checker, will result on a complete disaster
4.- No post count: I agree with that, dissapoints me on most of the forums, because im used to it
, but its a good idea...
5.- Dont mind the numbers... lol...
Now with DT:
Yes it should, even arcade should... but thats more "general", a pet into a map making site?, lol..., shoutbox is a damn bad idea if not well moderated, just check that