Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Bounding idea
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Red-X on 2004-09-06 at 02:44:26
this is a trigger so that people can only play a certain amount of levels of your bound in single player:

requirements: something (a powerup or building) at the start of the level that you dont want them person in single player to pass. MAKE SURE THAT THE UNIT(S) ARE NOT ON THE AREA WHERE THE EXPLOSIONS ARE. PUT THE UNIT(S) JUST BEFORE THEM

bounding team

Bounding team brings at least 2(however many zergling it takes to have at least 2 bounding players players on the map) to location(where units will first start in the bound)

kill all unit (power-up that you inserted at start of level) at location (with unit)

this way when there are 2 or more players on the map they will kill the unit and be able to move on and at the same time preventing people in single player from beeting the bound.
(you can also make it so that when the person in single player gets to the end of the demo area, he loses like this:

player 1 brings 1 zergling to location (where unit is)
player (owning unit) brings 1 (unit) to location (same location as above)

Actions: end scenario in defeat
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2004-09-06 at 02:50:17
hmmm not bad actually i might try that. it also could help cloak(U) with cloak bound (i forgot which one) where the firebats are an obstacle so people couldnt play it in single player mode and turn on invincibility

lol make a shareware bound where you only get 3 obstacles and play on with multiple people for the rest of the game tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Crispie on 2004-09-06 at 02:53:38
Yeah...have a mode for 1 player, and after you beat 1 player you put in a code (certain amount of civs moved to certain beacons) in order to play the next part in multiplayer mode.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2004-09-06 at 02:59:17
hmmm that gave me an idea for a huge ass password driven bound.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2004-09-06 at 03:18:32
This doesn't belong in the assistance section. There are no questions.

~ Moved to Concepts
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Daigotsu on 2004-09-06 at 05:51:38
That sounds good. I hate it when I try a bound by myself and I find out I can't finish it cus of a invis wall or wall of some sort.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kow on 2004-09-06 at 08:46:36
PassBound or PasswordBound Sounds Awsome!
For 2 reasons i wont make this:
  1. I suck at bounds
  2. My starcraft is messed for now
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2004-09-06 at 11:59:53
This doesn't belong in the assistance section. There are no questions.

THis doesn't belong anywhere because the method above is so... obvious
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TwiStEd vIsioN on 2004-09-06 at 12:42:06
Thats a good idea, you should make it. Also, if you make a 1 player mode, and there are parts that require more than one unit ex: jumping the wall. give that player the number of units required to beat it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stereo on 2004-09-06 at 12:44:14
It really pisses me off when people make walls on the bound. I play on my own in multiplayer SC because quite honestly, it's hard to find anyone on who's good at them.

As for your second trigger, what if P1 is the only player who's any good at it and they get there first? They will lose and everybody will be screwed.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Crispie on 2004-09-06 at 15:20:13
Bounds need a 1 player option. Reasons include A lot of people online lag, you might just feel like playing alone without noob players who cant get to the wall, internet doesnt work, etc.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TwiStEd vIsioN on 2004-09-06 at 20:27:41
Yea, I ment with the options, like when the game starts, have it say player 1 brings 1 zergling to location ? rest of players bring 0 zerglings to ? then have it instantly be one player. or something to that effect, I know my triggers arn't exact
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stereo on 2004-09-07 at 15:19:06
Ah, makes sense. You might enable some anti-cheat triggers (ie. the good old "computers cannot kill each other when invincibility is on so if a unit isn't dying they are cheatin'")

The other way I can think of is this: Have a trigger so while they're at the start spot, it constantly centers the view there. In multiplayer this doesn't matter too much but in single player, they can't use the mouse so they can't start playing the map tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TwiStEd vIsioN on 2004-09-08 at 19:30:45
Ah dude, that would suck. you wouldn't be able to move the mouse to quit either. LOL you would have to pause it to quit. w00t.gif which would be funny tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Stereo on 2004-09-09 at 22:23:24
You can use F10 to get the menu, triggers stop then cause the game pauses.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Psycho]aD[ on 2004-09-11 at 16:13:26
dood its called make a wall as an obstacle lol
Report, edit, etc...Posted by T.s.u.k.a.s.a on 2004-09-12 at 20:03:20
Sound interesting. I think I'll use it in one of my maps. It's a good idea.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2004-09-12 at 20:07:06
ill make a single player bound
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-09-13 at 19:57:31
Cool idea, if i figure it out ill tell u and use it biggrin.gif lol sry but i must crazy.gif thx 4 the idea (no im do not have a fingure up my censored.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2004-09-15 at 21:46:05
i think that you should make a anti power overwhelming cheat instead of the zergling trick. it'll be easier to work with noobs. also i had an idea with the password thing. after they complete s stage u display a password. then you create a replica of wat the password should look like when you enter it in. if they successfully enter it it should bring them to that stage of the bound. it would act as saving the map or if people liked a stage or couldnt get past it they would just do that. if you need an example of wat i mean ill be more than happy to make a display map to show you.

[MOVE]Arena Capture the Flag[/MOVE]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Red-X on 2004-09-26 at 23:30:40
The problem though with putting walls in your maps, they are most bounds that have them are usually a double wall; meaning that you need at least 3 people so even a 2 player version is out of the question.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DarkDeath19 on 2004-10-04 at 21:45:16
I'm surprised no one has done it already...

(i wouldnt do it personally though unless you wanted to influence because people would be pissed at your map because they couldnt play it unless playing iwth a friend)
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