Hi i'm new here... I was recommended by Revelade(Brian Lee). Can someone give me some tips on how to post some beta test maps?
make a post in the "beta testing" section and if u want 2 distribute zip it then use the attachment button at the button and select the folder
edit:o and if u dont wanna buy/dl a zip program just copy a zip file empty it rename it and put ur stuff in it
Zip your map and whatever files that are there to follow... and then attach the file and there you go... basically rune's words oh yeah... and welcome to SEN
Welcome to SEN! Enjoy your stay!
Yea, thanks for the help!
Uh, oh hobo's here! *hides all teh drugs*
hey and welcome i hope you have as fun as i have here
Hey I am also a newbie to starcraft. I would like a strategy for this situation please.
I am zerg, on bottom right of BGH. I have the exact amout of drones that there are mineral patches. I have my base completely sunkined off. My enemy has a huge army of hydralisks (im using my maphack) and the only way I think I can beat them is with an army of a few more hydralisks. I have made every tech building and upgraded them all, but I have only built hydras. How can I beat him?
morph to lurkers and burrow(if you have that much time) then they will get their ass kicked and just mass guards