Alright, lately I've been finding and reporting a lot of bugs here at SEN, and I'm sure someother people have also found bugs.
I am requesting a Sticky Topic that has the title of SEN Bugs.
This will be where all people that find bugs here at SEN will report them to. In this topic only bug reporting will be tolerated and no things like: "Yea I also have that problem and stuff".
This will disable the need to make lots of new topics about "I found a bug".
The Topic will work like this:
Only bug reporting will be done there. Anything else will a a raise warn level.
Once Yoshi or someone with the power to fix stuff like that(Maybe MMoose), fix the bug the post posted by the user will be deleted.
The Topic will also serve the function as the "Current bugs Topic". It will have the current bugs at SEN that haven't been fixed so that users can see what bugs are already reported but not fixed.
This will also disable double bug reports.
We don't need such a topic; that is what Yoshi made this forum for. Just liek Welcoming needs it's own forum, rather than a sticky topic in Garbage.
I don't know, I've found and got rid of most of the bugs.