The map I'm currently working on is basically, you build units and they are sen to your mixing pot area. Where you mix the units you built to make a hero. I want to know if this is an old idea, if not does it sound any good?
No...I'm pretty sure this an original idea, although there are some maps where you sacrifice lets say.....5 marines for a hero one. It'll be hard to make all those combos....well good luck

Thanks, but I'm planning to add a "Player Guide" in the Objective Message and/or a notepad document for people who played it once.
After you build the heroes, then what happens? You just use them to mass with and attack?
First time I saw mixing was in Golem Madness maps. You took 3 civilians and placed them on 4 beacons. You would get certain things for each combo.
I think he means bringing different heroes to the area, and it's which heroes, not where you bring them, that determines the outcome.
Yes, I have seen something similar, but not much, so this is still a good idea that I thought of some time ago...
Anyways, the one I saw was in Desert Castles.
The Mage got "Unstable Substances" every 5 seconds, and he could choose when to make an 'ingredient' out of them, the number of Unstables determing what ingredient.
Then you mix the ingredients, and, 'poof', you get a unit.
Desert Castle is where I got the idea to make this map, as partially fun as it was, I decided to make a map like this.
The Objective of the game is to mix up a bunch of units, and try to destroy the other teams bases to win the scenario.
The idea is original. Very creative. I haven't seen this idea anywhere sounds interesting. It will probably be hard to do. Good luck. My guess is that it will take a long time to do.
Hmmm. This gives me an idea for defences that give you Civs that you trade in for stuff. Make it so the triggers randomize what type of units you get. Than you would only be able to get certain units, making it much harder.
Yea, desert castles was a pretty simple map but it was still fun as long as you could get enough people playing it

Sounds kinda stupid in my opinion, but then, I'm Mr.Random-is-evil.
The idea I was thinking of was Golems Rpg in which you choose what substance they're made of, their locomotion, their weapon, etc and that determines what unit you get.
You should make your map, unit mixing is a great idea.
*beats the

out of self for not thinking of mixing units*
hey when i read ur topic.. it reminds me a map.... it's desert castles..
yeah desert castles is a pretty good map i think.. and the mage mix

is very interesting..
if u wanna make sumthing like desert castles.. Go! it'll be fun...
Thanks, now I know I have to work harder on it now since everyone who posted here thinks it's a good idea. The second I've got most of the mixs done, I'll post the beta version.
Actually, a few years ago I was working on what I believe is a map similar to this. I called it Mechbuilders, but I hit the fundamental problem that it was not all that much fun to play. I'll attach it here, take a look at it if you'd like.
Word from the expert on cool-but-ultimately-unfun ideas: Unless you have an application designed to be greater or equally as cool as the idea itself you're going to use, people will eventually see through the gimmick. You'll spend hours upon hours working, tweaking, and perfecting it, and then no one will like it and you'll hate life and want to kill yourself. Maybe.
My suggestion, now that you have the idea, is to stop right there and think of a GOOD map to use it in. An RPG would be a good choice, if executed appropriately, but it would take a lot of work. A defense map might be good, also if you can pull it off appropriately, but you'll need to do more than your ordinary D formula to make it truely special. That is, if you're aiming for top quality instead of normal.
Finally you'll need to figure out how you plan to execute it. My suggestion would be to spend quite a bit of time planning and testing various ideas for mixtures or mixing rules before putting it into the final map, which'll also include setting the mixed units' stats and abilities. One thing, for instance, if you mess up a mixture or use "unstable" units to mix something, it could occasionally end up botched and have like 1% hp or something like that. See what I'm saying?
^ what he said.
Edit by Bolt_Head: This post is spam warn level increased
Hmmmmm... your post hit me , and it made me think a lot into the future of the map. My current idea was, you chose your race to decide whatyour main base and border was. The your one miner would mine for your income. then you would have, one of each race building for your "research material". Then as your "knowledge" grew, so would your "ingredients".
After you would have built your unit, it would be sent to your "mixing pot". Then you would decide which of the unit you just built, to mix to create the new unit. Also all of the units that you build have 1 HP, and deal 1 damage. It's also set to be a 3vs3 map, you will already be set into teams.
Now I'm thinking to put one extra miner and 2 extra builders, make the game go a bit faster, adding a help trigger to tell to find out the main mixes, and maybe turning it into a free for all map instead. If you think you give me better ideas, please don't esitate, 'cus I know its all the little things that make things great.
QUOTE(T.s.u.k.a.s.a @ Sep 18 2004, 07:39 AM)
The idea is original. Very creative. I haven't seen this idea anywhere sounds interesting. It will probably be hard to do. Good luck. My guess is that it will take a long time to do.
Havent any of you heard of golems. -,-
This idea is similar to a map I've played called Robot Factory (or something like that)
You had 4 stats you would buy: life, damage, special, and speed.
You would mix 5 of those to make a unit, then you'd either go take the result to the arena (yes you could have more than 1 unit in the arena at once) or you'd try to destroy the enemy base (I hated it when ppl did this to me). Every 3 minutes or so the arena would start, and you would fight with the units you enlisted in it. If you won, you would recieve a prize (5 of a component or money). Every once in a while you'd recieve income (glad they had this feature) to keep you going. If you made the right thing, you'd get some extra money, but it's only one time.
It was a map I only saw in public once

(and that was the time I got it). Unfortunately I don't have the map anymore cuz I had to reformat our harddrive.. so we deleted all the stuff... and it wouldn't reformat so we bought a harddrive (80 gigs

). I wish I had the map so I could show you.
I wish I had saved that map onto a floppy or something.
Just go for it, and include an arena. (cuz I'm a bit passive and I don't like ppl destroying my base)
If any of you have t3h factory, please post it for me.That sounded like a good game, too bad you deleted it... oh well easy come easy go (Man thats cheesy). I think I'll do that kind of thing for my map, Close off each base, after a certain amount of time send all of the units that you have created into the arena, then you duke it out with all of the other units, then if you lose all of your units, you lose points, and when you lose all of your points, GAME OVER.
What I'm thinking right now is that: At the begining, you have 7 minutes to build up your base and units, then when the time is up all of the units you have built will be sent into the arena, then have the timer of 2 minutes is up the surviving units will be removed, then a 3 minute counter, telling you when your next batch of unit will transported in to the arena. To me this may sound like a great map. And again would really appreciate any output on this idea.
(what I've got done on this map, Half of the terrain is done, and I have jotted down the unit mixtures)
I also have done something similar, but different, you get four troop transports, each with different units in them, and some not owned by you until later, and you drop units in different orders to get different combos, gets more interesting with more than one dropship, takes up hardly any space, and if the triggers work fast enough, less chances of bugs, unlike the beacon version.
It would be funny if someone made an army of those 1 hp firebats with 10 dmg (the components were -- 5 dmg!

They die easily, but with armor upgs as well as weapon upgs they could be deadly.
It was also funny that if you mixed 5 life you got a rhynosaur or w/e it was called (50 hp)
Would be a good distraction if you could get it to do what you wanted it to do (critters just wander around for no reason)
I think 5 speed was a zling (1 hp 1 dmg) lol how pitiful... they have 1 dmg and 1 hp
There was also a combination for Dark Archon (can only be used once) it had a good amount of health.
Sounds neat.Gotta wonder what I get by mixing 2 Raynors.

I was thinking of sumthing like.. but u choose ur unit depending on where u are on a 5x5 square (in fact its 10x10 tiles) the corners was skills like: hp, power, range, speed and depending on where u are when u choose.. u'll get more speed, less range, etc.. it was like that:
with 25 different unit..
speedest was vulture (upgraded) (thats an exemple)
that was a concept i wanted to build on.. but.. i had no idea for a map with this..
so i stoped the idea..
ADDITION: Would that not work better in a (x=0, y=0) (x=infinity, y=infinity) setting?
One of the four points represents the extreme of the entry, and the other side represents the opposite, therefore you can't get the best of both sides, because having really good Armour and HP, or Attack and Upgrade doesn't really work too well for balancing...