A simple trick, barely worth it's own thread but I might as well get it off my head now.
First, you set the volumn to low for your intended wav file. Then when you want to "adjust" the volumn of when it's played in your map, simply use the 'Play wav' action multiple times in the same trigger (no waits) to "stack" them, creating the illusion of volumn increase. That's all, folks.
I haven't explored just how many stacks you need before it stops improving (or becomes garbled or whatever), but if ever you want to make "distant" sounds in your map, thats how you might do it. Saves having to make several different wavs of the same sound at different volumns.
It would probolly lag alot if you stack it too much.
i had a bug in one of my maps that had wavs playing continuosly with no intervels, eventually it became garbled and seconds later lagged up Sc soo much. Thus proving Bolts theory of map lag.
Well remember how many sounds are likely being played at once in a normal game. You have the music, clicking/selecting sounds, unit speech sounds, distant explosions, mining sounds (lots of those if over a large mining area), etc. I think as long as you stay away from double digits as far as stacking it shouldn't lag too bad.
Sounds good, it would be good for a horror map.
I tried it, It works but makes the game lag alot!
I was just trying this out. This works very badly for very short wavs as in less than 1 second long. With a 7 second .wav, the volume increase was barely notable but was there.
Can't you manually just edit the sound volumne of the sound in question before you add it to your map?
u COULD but that'd add to map size
yes, the whole idea of this is to avoid adding size to your map. But it doesnt work that greatly.
It makes it sound like crap but not increase the volume much. If i need something a different volume i would probably just add another sound to the map. Most of the sounds i use are less than 10k anyway.
If you use big sounds you might want to try it.