I have some pretty complex triggers in my maps, and sometimes comments outside of the triggers isn't enough.
This is pretty easy, but some people may like the idea of this:
To make an internal trigger comment, just make a new trigger that is "Display text for current player". You can either leave it null (which doesn't use up a string) for a seperator, or you can type something in. When you're done, DISABLE the trigger by pressing on the checkbox beside it. You're done. Easy huh?
I used to do that, but they use string slots (even if disabled) unless they're empty so I try to avoid that. Hell 99% of my comments are empty nowdays.
Damn blizzard and their string limits.
Or not-so-good editors.. starforge came close...
it would be cool if blizz cam out with another expansion that increased the string, location, and all other crap that can piss you off.
I used to do that empty trigger separator thing for a while, but lately my projects haven't been string-intensive, so I stopped. I only use the separator for any RPGs I bother to work on.
I don't use comments. I prefer seeing the triggers. I'm just more used to no comments. Even null triggers take up space on a map. Not much but some.
Seeing triggers is about the biggest mistake you can do. You null comment them under major groups or so on. But never leave them alone, it takes a while to read all of them.
Idea: An editor that stores all comments in a SEPERATE file in the mpq, and loads it as part of the triggers and does not affect your string slots or limit or anything in the map, only for organizational purposes.
Yeah, but who's going to make it? Clokr_ could do it if he made an editor...
i have an idea just make a regular comment then in like notepad or microsoft word make a key like this:
suppose i make a comment called mass1. in the notepad i would right mass1=mass units to location w/e or w/e u want to say. no map space required for this old school method.
Clokr_ could do it if he made an editor...
Wasn't he making an editor??
You can recycle your strings, so that the same ones appear as one, therefore have a common divider and it will do itself only once, using only one string.
You can go over the limit, but wierd things happen and things get replaced now and then, its ok if thats just Forces
Hate to break it to you Yoshi, but Blizzard and others were doing this back in pre 1.04 days before Comments ever existed.
Its a concept resserected! xD
I prefer using plain Comments and stuff.
I just make the same comment if the triggers are from a big trigger chain to save strings.
Zerg Soccer has it all through them, but it makes them look bad, i don't see the need, create a linked Notepad file with all the information, and work through that...