pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - inhalation of very fine silicone dust
"" How bout where once you kill a unit make it take away your ammo and clips and wait like 500 ms then it comes back to you. ""
It SOUNDS as if you were saying 'Oh, this guy has 20 ammo. He kills a unit so it takes away all my 20 ammo and clips and waits like 500 mili and then i get 20 ammo back har har har'
"" that way you dont have to worry about when your unit gets attacked by a zergling or sometin and when you change guns itll have full life. ""
Ummm... yea that sounds good. If i understood this.
"" Like in real life a shotgun it takes a while for you to reload it and once you fire it, it takes a while to fire again. ""
Just a sentence ago we were talkling about 'when you change guns itll have full life'... oh well. Most shotguns (most?) can have like 8 or 12 thingers in there. You reload it with the litte thingys AFTER all 8 or 12. Doing the reload for just the thing that you've already loaded (huh?) takes about 250 mili
"" so you can have like a marine named Armed Civilian and you have all the bullets and stuff. ""
What the hell is stuff?
"" then if once you kill a unit in 1 hit take away his bullets and ammo and wait like 500 ms and give it back to him. it might take alot of triggering but its worth it. ""
How much bullets and ammo? And aren't bullets and ammo the same thing? REDUNDANT GRRRRRRR!!! But I
think it's worth it... if I'm correct and I understand this correctly...