It's like the defilier casting a dark swarm for a fun, except you make it a comsat station casting scan, same effect, now make the comsat station always follow somthing and you got a nifty vision gun.
Whatcha think?
How exactly did you get it to constantly scan?
It's a nice idea except for the fact that Comsat Station's ability has infinite range. Why not just leave it somewhere out of the way rather than making it follow a unit?
QUOTE(Nozomu @ Oct 6 2004, 08:53 AM)
It's a nice idea except for the fact that Comsat Station's ability has infinite range. Why not just leave it somewhere out of the way rather than making it follow a unit?
Cause then it wouldn't really be a gun, you know what I mean? If it's following a unit it's like his gun.
QUOTE(Coko @ Oct 6 2004, 08:45 AM)
How exactly did you get it to constantly scan?
Goto your comsat station, press "scan".
Does it work?
Does the darkstorm trick work?
You can't create Comsat Scans. Nor can a Comsat Scan be "brought" to a location.
Mini Moose answered my issue, i thought you'd make it constantly scan alone the line, instead of Tux's Scouts.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Oct 6 2004, 02:07 PM)
You can't create Comsat Scans. Nor can a Comsat Scan be "brought" to a location.
Well if the darkstorm and corsiar's web can be modified to be guns then why not comsat scans? You're moving a location to it, so it's plausable and would work.
Will you just try the triggers instead to prove me wrong instead of simply insisting that I'm wrong? I have tried the triggers. Well, not move location. Command works fine for Comsat Scans, but not Bring... I have seen casting Comsat used as a special activation in Chu's old map Outpost Wars (DLDB).
I don't really get the point in it, how would you make it stop "Shooting" if its a gun?
I don't think there is an AI script for casting scan, plus i think AI scripts only work for computer players.
About identifying the scan....
QUOTE(Teh Moosey)
Command works fine for Comsat Scans, but not Bring...
I suppose scans are like map revealers, they cannot be identified by locations - they just exist there. Like map revealers u cant remove them at a location - the only way is to use 'Remove Unit' which will remove ALL map revealers (because that is not location based)
He means you make it scan by yourslef, not the AI.
Then, when the trigger notices you command a comsat sweep, it will activate the trigger to do damage. Right? Sounds cool except it will have long range (lol) and will move along the grid thing.
ADDITION: He means you make it scan by yourslef, not the AI.
Then, when the trigger notices you command a comsat sweep, it will activate the trigger to do damage. Right? Sounds cool except it will have long range (lol) and will move along the grid thing.
Well, as for not having an AI script for scanning(Although this would mean you could only fire extremely slowly) you could have a cloaked unit attack a cloaked Computer unit so the computer scans it, and have the comp share vision with you.
Hmm... limited-range scanner sweep activated by Dark Swarm...
never thought of that.
This is a much better idea than the defiler or corsair firing systems because the unit created is owned by the player, this way there is not messing up who owns it. just center location, remove, use effect. this could be well utilized with a small map in which you must target enemies and kill them. I like the idea idoL, but maybe you have to make an example map so that other people can understand it and see its uses too.
QUOTE(TwiStEd vIsioN @ Oct 7 2004, 03:14 AM)
I don't really get the point in it, how would you make it stop "Shooting" if its a gun?
To stop it shooting you create another Counter within its movement triggers, which you can set up, maybe having it different depending on the "GUN" choosen, and therefore add another trigger which will make the gun stop if the counter reaches a certain limit. A simple way, would be to have it set to a high limit and have it subtract, therefore saving triggers because when it hit zero the same trigger would be used, while you'd just set it to a higher amount for longer ranged guns.
Simple, easy, effective.
Well, someone make the map or i'll get my lazy ass up and do it, lol.
Wasn't this a joke? So when you mean always following you mean the actual add on moves right, ha ha your a funny fellow.
GUYS OMG SHUT THE HELL UP IDIOTS! Moose is right YOU CANNOT center a location on a scan! Why don't you listen to people who
ing know what they are talking about.
YOU CAN'T CENTER LOCATIONS ON SCANS!Again, if you can center a location on a Darkstorm or CorsairWeb.. WHY NOT A SCAN?
Idol, make a goddamn test map already. Instead of posting about it for 10 minutes, take 10 seconds and you will discover. . .
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