Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Fire on Green UNits
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Omega_Ninja on 2004-10-06 at 21:04:03
Ok all you do it set the HP in unit settings to 1 and then find the unit with the hp of 1 and set the % in properties to 1%. This works on most terran and protoss buildings. Also the units dont have to be invincible becuz if you have them as somethin that does somethin in the map that has 1 HP and it is a building, it will still have 1 HP and not somethin like .01 even though that would be sweet.

You can mess around with the percentages so that there is less fire.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by greenreaper on 2004-10-06 at 21:09:02
Well....nice discovery..I guess. The only problem is that...the building will have 1 HP and won't be that useful in RPG's (well unless burrowed units under building are used)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-10-06 at 21:23:28
Wasn't this posted about a week ago?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TwiStEd vIsioN on 2004-10-06 at 22:10:38
I don't quite understand what your idea here is, can you elaborate a little more?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-10-07 at 15:25:57
It says if the unit starts out with 1HP max, making it have 1% of that will have it on fire but still with the green wireframe. Only problem is bunkers may blow up unless maybe you do 2% preserve trigger? Or will it not reset that and have it blow up anyways?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Omega_Ninja on 2004-10-07 at 15:39:55
nothing blows up. so you can have an invincible terran building WITH fire and it wont die.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Nozomu on 2004-10-07 at 19:18:36
I figured out this green wireframe + fire thing back in the fall of 2002 when I was working on Mission to Namek. It's not particularly useful even for aesthetic purposes, and in my opinion really isn't worth even mentioning.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TwiStEd vIsioN on 2004-10-07 at 22:04:25
oh I knew how to do that, I thought it was something else, like green fire, and I was like... I have never ever heard of green fire on SC, or that the green units look like they are on fire.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2004-10-07 at 23:37:53
It just looks cool but does not have much use and yes this was talked about a while back. Anyways nice discovery i guess
Report, edit, etc...Posted by .Coko[CK] on 2004-10-10 at 08:39:47
I wrote an article on this at ages ago...

Still glad others have "found" it finally.

Terran buildings will burn to death in seconds if they are below 34% or such, while Protoss can be anything. Zerg heal themselves...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheEmerald on 2004-10-10 at 18:23:05
I found about this like a month ago..i didnt really think it was all that cool
Report, edit, etc...Posted by eFFecT on 2004-10-15 at 18:52:54
or instead... you could have one building with a greenwireframe... as much health as u want and stacked on top of it just have a cloaked building with 1/1 1% hp thats is invincible for a player you dont have vision with.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2004-10-17 at 21:41:39
OR you can mess with sprites and have 1500/1 tongue.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Nozomu on 2004-10-17 at 22:37:06
What would screw with people would be if you stacked an invisible burning building on a regular, non-invincible building with like 1000 health. People would wonder how a building at full 1000/1000 health could be on fire.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2004-10-17 at 22:39:31

Using the invisible bunker.. wait, you just said that.
Yeah I think I'll do that happy.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by T.s.u.k.a.s.a on 2004-10-18 at 07:25:40
This would be useful in RPG's. You can put a flaming bunker under something, make it invincible and then disable it. Thus you could have a flaming tree or hydra den. Then have a trigger kill the bunker after the building dies. Using sprites could also work. I have already used that trick in one of my older maps. The thing is, I knew about the burning thing over 2 years ago, but I thought everyone else knew and that I would just sound newbish by posting it. A sunken with the photon cannon flames does look cool.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2004-10-18 at 19:07:15
A bunker and a photon cloaked and on fire under a turret happy.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-10-19 at 16:04:24
Is there a way to make units stay still on buildings? I was wondering if you could have still units on fire. A Siege Tank may work, but I think thats it, and it'd ahve to be preplaced.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by .Coko[CK] on 2004-10-19 at 16:54:30
Siege Tanks have certain Ai Sets, so that it will force its placement where ever it is and refuse to move, nothing else has that script, except the other Tank, of course.

Options with this system;
Plyon set to 1/1 Health, 1% Health, stacked underneath a Mineral Patch, or even better with more than a few Minerals, have a Supply Depot, and set it to 34%.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by NerdyTerdy on 2004-10-23 at 17:35:31
Can you cloak a supply depot?
Also an offtopic question, The trick about disabling then enabling twice to have a permanently cloaked unit that can move without an arbiter, does that work on terran flying buildings?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chill on 2004-10-23 at 17:43:27
Im pretty sure it only works on the e-bay.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by NerdyTerdy on 2004-10-23 at 17:47:49
Chill you mean the cloaking? I'm talking about the trick where you permanently cloak but it's still movable, I'm asking if that would work on a flying terran building. Also what happened to your black probe?
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