Hey, im new to this sites forums, but i have posted on many others, like klined.tk
Welcome! You'll enjoy your stay because you'll find many addictive features to these forums!
Now now be nice rune scape
Yeah be nice for a change! Gwhaahaha
Welcome, enjoy your vacations here cuz it's of course all about vacations
do you guys think my thing under my pic is.... i don't know. the Goth Map Maker thing, what do you think of it?
Original I guess... Everyone have their own =P
Mine doesn't quite make me a good guy... or does it...
Ur sig is cool but u didnt made it heh...
Before Wintermute posted, no one even mentioned sigs. Congrats on having an oversized ego!
\/\/()()+! for egos! And ids too!
I dont like having "one sig" or "one avatar". I change it whenever I'm sick of it
its a part of me, thats all.
Yeah I change mine a lot. (as you prob noticed, i changed my avatar this afternoon...)
Can anyone tell me how to upload a pic onto the internet, so i can use it for a sig pic. I have tryed doing one at geocities, and it never works, its always a box with a little red "x" in it. help me out if you can.
We have a signature uploading thread
hereLook for a site that can handle those. I use my xanga sometimes. Here is also a good alternative. Look for the 'Upload Sigs' thread, then load yours into there.
It works nice.
um... explain what your talking about. lol. Like my Av. Image? thats me
Dangit Yoshi you beat me to the punch. When I started my reply, yours wasn't there, but I guess you were in the process of making it.
Um... chu? someone there in ur head?... think a bit... if you hate me... would u continue using my sigs?... nooooo right?, 2+2=4 boy... if paladin hates me he wont use my sigs... remember 2+2=4... not 3... lol... funny chu...
HahA.. welcome vision that is twisted... maybe I shall also call you blind... yes...
.. just pulling your chain buddy, anyways wintermute calm down hulio... oh yeah and Yoshi, I are getting a 400 watt power supply and Volcano 7 cooling fan.. just for a short while though...
What do you mean am i blind?
SILENCE!!! anyways I was just joking buddy!!!
A little too defensive tv. Its usually pretty light-hearted here. (except sometimes when ssc is involved...)
welcome, and destroy many people! Muhahahaha :UBEREVIL:
Sorry if you took that as me being mean, if you could have seen my face, i had a smile on it when reading that