Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> Some Questions for the new administration.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-10-16 at 16:27:38
-Will the SEN Website Hosting still be on?
-Do you still need money for the Invision License?
-What plans that Yoshi was making, undergoing or planning on do you plan on -implementing?
-What changes have been made since the new Administration has begun?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2004-10-16 at 16:47:06
1. Probabally
2. Most Likely
3. WHat plans were Yoshi implementing?, I don't know about meele
4. None really. SP, FireKame and Tazzy quit.
5. No, you can't be a moderator. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-10-16 at 16:55:17
Will the SEN Website Hosting still be on?

Not exactly sure right now... is there anyone who would actually wanna pay to host their site here? smile.gif Members that had special folders, ftps with Yoshi will still have their special priviledges... I am planning on deleting whatever is inactive though... so if you had something setup with yoshi, talk to me.

Do you still need money for the Invision License?

At the moment, I just want things to settle down and make sure I want to commit to this site 100% before worrying about the license. I was going to add this to my next news post as quiet a few people asked wink.gif It's not extremely important at the moment because I don't believe any new invision updates are out. As soon as one does that fixxes significant security issues, then it will be important smile.gif.

What plans that Yoshi was making, undergoing or planning on do you plan on -implementing?

Another thing that was going to be anwsered in my post smile.gif
Yoshi seems to have had plans to add an arcade... I might continue his work, although, it's on the bottom of the pile. I do have some nice ideas for such a thing, like getting paid minerals for good scores. Right now I'm working on a new tutorial database that will replace the 'staredit tricks and tips' and 'tutorials database' because they both seem to have similar topics. Like the map team (below), there will be a select few to keep this up to date and such and such. SaLaCiouS has expressed desire to lead this.
Next, I want to amplify the whole concept of map reviews... and to do this, I want to make a map review team. They will be responsible for checking submitted maps (playing them, making sure they aren't a virus and what not) and reviewing some of them (as per request or own personal desire). Yoshi really did put a lot of the work on himself (or a select few) ;/
I also would like to make a selectable skin for this board... cuz I like blue/purple/white on black smile.gif Killer also stated something about doing something similar with red/gray/black.
I also am thinking about killing the little music box, unless people actually listen to it.

Do you got any more suggestions?

What changes have been made since the new Administration has begun?

I'm just getting finished on fixxing bugs / setting up things like people's ftp accounts. Also, some minor changes like killing the option to allow users to open their own topics.

I'm not l33t at php... the main reason I took this upon myself is to learn it. I'm still wondering around in the code, looking at functions, the database setup, etc, etc, etc... but I will try and serve you all well wink.gif

Edit: I just remembered an important change! Moose changed his staff color to orange. I've been wanting to change mine too but figure I should do some real work before fooling around teehee.gif

Any more q's?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-10-16 at 18:59:15
Whos on this map team? happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-10-16 at 21:30:51
DT: No I did not ask to be a moderator even though yoshi did tell me he was going to put me as a mod, but I'm not asking isolated to put me as one.

Isolated: Even though I don't know you I will support you 100%. Execpt on stupid things and things that might have some bad consequences.

I'll be up for the map review thing but the last thing I want is another virus/hacker in my system.
I'll be up for the job though I can't be on the whole time since I got school and the heavy track & Field just starts in 3 weks.

Good idea on placing arcade on the bottom.

Suggestion: Change the Staff section. It still says yoshi is runningt he site.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-10-18 at 08:28:14
Execpt on stupid things and things that might have some bad consequences.

Tell me when I'm being stupid smile.gif

Suggestion: Change the Staff section. It still says yoshi is runningt he site.

I'll get to it soon.

Whos on this map team?

Whoever wants to be on the map team. There will be able to sign up for it soon enough.

I'll be up for the map review thing but the last thing I want is another virus/hacker in my system.

I'm sure it won't take much time... just a couple map downloads and play a couple games here and there.
I was just saying... like make sure posted maps are actually maps and not some .exe for some strange reason smile.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowSnipe4 on 2004-10-18 at 08:42:19
I'd be up for the map review team too, but also some Q's:
1.Why would you change the skin, its cool already...
2.Is there going to be any changes with the forums and such?
3.Will there be any serious changes to the site other than a skin that you know of right now?
4.How long do you plan on being admin for the site?
5. In the mapmaking contest; is there still a few email accounts up for the prizes
6.How long until you make major changes if you do plan on it?
7. Are you yourself a starcraft mapmaker?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-10-18 at 09:06:49
1.Why would you change the skin, its cool already...

No, I wouldn't change the skin. I'd be adding a selectable skin.

2.Is there going to be any changes with the forums and such?

Not that I have in mind.

3.Will there be any serious changes to the site other than a skin that you know of right now?

Besides the new tutorial section? When I find something serious to change.

4.How long do you plan on being admin for the site?

Awwww... want me gone already?

5. In the mapmaking contest; is there still a few email accounts up for the prizes

I believe the contest might be dead.

6.How long until you make major changes if you do plan on it?

When I finish coding them.

7. Are you yourself a starcraft mapmaker?

Well, here's my story. I was off doing my own little thing (mostly girls), totally uninterested in computer games for awhile. Well, I just moved so I didn't even have an internet connection for two months to play anyways. Then I found out my very old FW guild's leader, mike, was back online playing netstorm. So I started playing again. Then I got bored and was like, HEY! SC ums were always fun! So I started playing ums and then I was like, these cat and mouse games are lame and rigged, I bet I could do better. While searching for some map making tools, I stumbled across this page. I revamped cat and mouse 4.0 to be 96x96 with better triggers: auto remove flags for people who leave, better abilities for the cat, non-automatic cash to dt triggers, and stuff such as. I re-did all the triggers except for basic stuff like win/loss. I started doing betas on it and just got bored. Then I started making, what I thought, an rpg that was going to be awesome. Then, I became the admin for this site. The end.
So while I never actually made and released a map, I did fool around with the editor a lot smile.gif I do plan on making a defensive-type map somewhat similar to ultimate survival in the regards it'll have random based attacks, but I'm hoping it'll turn out a lot more fun.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowSnipe4 on 2004-10-18 at 09:17:00
Awwww... want me gone already?

Naww, I just wanted to know...I dont plan on making it sooner you know!!!11!!191!!one!!
No, I wouldn't change the skin. I'd be adding a selectable skin.

Selectable, do you mean having it so that everyone on Staredit can put in their own skin that only they can see or do you mean that everyone can pick one out of 3 or something like that?
I believe the contest might be dead.

Too bad, it would have been fun.
Well, here's my story. I was off doing my own little thing (mostly girls), totally uninterested in computer games for awhile. Well, I just moved so I didn't even have an internet connection for two months to play anyways. Then I found out my very old FW guild's leader, mike, was back online playing netstorm. So I started playing again. Then I got bored and was like, HEY! SC ums were always fun! So I started playing ums and then I was like, these cat and mouse games are lame and rigged, I bet I could do better. While searching for some map making tools, I stumbled across this page. I revamped cat and mouse 4.0 to be 96x96 with better triggers: auto remove flags for people who leave, better abilities for the cat, non-automatic cash to dt triggers, and stuff such as. I re-did all the triggers except for basic stuff like win/loss. I started doing betas on it and just got bored. Then I started making, what I thought, an rpg that was going to be awesome. Then, I became the admin for this site. The end.
So while I never actually made and released a map, I did fool around with the editor a lot smile.gif I do plan on making a defensive-type map somewhat similar to ultimate survival in the regards it'll have random based attacks, but I'm hoping it'll turn out a lot more fun.

Nice story, I just saw the regular old campaign editor started messing with it, had fun and next thing you know Im here... wink.gif

It's nice to know that our admin isnt someone who knows nothing about Starcraft and that he knows how to map and stuff...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Aster on 2004-10-18 at 15:14:51
That WOULD always help, ShadowSnipe...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SoftWarewolf on 2004-10-18 at 16:25:13
the contest aint dead, i read somewhere that the contest would go on even if SEN didnt come back at all.

yoshi also said the contest is still on, look on scindex
but i doubt yoshi is still a judge so i wonder who will replace him
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2004-10-20 at 02:02:42
Maybe i should judge since i won't finish my map (if i get my internet games working at school again) well thats assumeing it still open for me lol.

I don't really care but i know yoshi felt pretty strongly against rewarding minerals from the arcade. I think it was mainly because it was really easy to cheat.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2004-10-20 at 02:21:24
Yeah... somehow I would have to counter the cheating...
I know it can be done though, however, I highly doubt I'm good enough to do so.
Maybe I can get some type of help from smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2004-10-20 at 02:52:03
hey i sacrifice myself for map review team. but dont kill the music box, put uhh children of bodom in there! yup then ill listen to it all the time!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2004-10-21 at 23:26:34
ill be up for the risk to be Database helpa. just put me in charge of like checking the downloads for any hacks. if i find any ill tell u. and if you want me to all delete em'!
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