When I post this I think it will be -8, but how did I manage to get -12 minerals?
Uh... ?
If you delete your own topic, you loose like 8 or 16 minerals.
Other than sc army attacks and fines, that's the only known occurance I know people loosing minerals.
And, if perhaps, you lost minerals some other way, I won't know what to look for in the code without you specificly telling me what you did.
Someone most likley attacked me, now how can I get removed from army? I don't want to randomly lose minerals for something I don't play.
You propbabally were fined, as yu can't get negative minerals in rmy.
What is a fine exactly and how do I get one from SEN? Is it like moderator intervention or something?
If you broke one of the rules you will get a fine before a warn which means you lose some money.
So a moderator or admin fined me? I did nothing "bad" today, and I got my warn YESTERDAY and was fined TODAY.
Yes Rexy that would be what happened unless you deleted one or some of your posts.
I never deleted one of my posts/topics.
I can tell you weren't fined...
How do you know isolated or any the mods didn't delete any posts/topics?
Oh yea Bolt_Head deleted 3 of your posts in Assisstance I remember.
Ah, that would have to be it.
To delete your army thing, go to the race select thing and choose the one thats not in the three, it will delete your army account
ADDITION: Thats probably confusing, hold on ill go check it
ADDITION: Alright, go to the pick race section a choose "no race" then enter it and your done