I've toyed around with map-making before but, have never been able to master the technique

In fact, I rarely finish a map because I become disgusted with the flow of ideas I think of and soon there-after forget. I guess I should write more things down. Anywho, I figured I could come here and learn from the best!
\/\/elcome. (The \/\/ key on my keyboard broke from saying \/\/elcome so much

Greetings. Welcome to SEN and would you like a kiwi? I seriously have a huge stash of kiwis!
Please try to ignore the crazy members that try to offer you kiwis and say silly things, they aren't human.
You.. you.. ALIEN!
Welcome, I hope, to the best of our ability, will be able to help you.
Could I kindly offer you a kiwi?
greetings, im gftgy
if you need any help with maps, post in the forums or ask a member, they do reserve the right to not help you however. We are a friendly community, so we will still probably help you if we have the time.
enjoy your stay
Hi I'm KaboomHahahein welcome to SEN. YOu will meet many weird people here (like me) and alot of seriouse people. Anyways 'tis a cool site.