Well, if there was ever a submit button or an update tutorial button, I'm sure it may just fill up... I want to update what I submitted you know.
Make Units Shoot Across Whole Map*This trick works only for the PC version of Starcraft.There is a unit ID that will allow units to shoot horizontally across the whole map. Place unit ID 2008(Using Starforge most likely), and that would basically be it... I guess. But be warned; altering map settings may affect this unit(I changed some settings like to be able to build with 0 minerals, added units and whatever, and unit 2008 changed to something else).
Here's an example on a way of getting the "Starwars" effect. Have 4 computers, place unit 2008 for computer #3 on one side, and #4 on the other side. Get wraiths or whatever your prefered missile is on those same sides. Then make an army on each side(closer to the middle) for computer 1 and computer 2. Order computer 1 and 2 to march towards each other to attack and give vision to computer 3 on computer 4's side and computer 4 on computer 3's side. You may need a trigger to get the shooting going too. The final effect varies on how much units you used and what units you used.
How do I use players 12+?*This tutorial given works only for the PC version of Starcraft.Players above 12 don't actually exist, as Blizzard did not program them. Players 13 and above are reads of data that Starcraft normally wasn't designed to read, that's why it will differ from the mac version of Starcraft, dropping Mac and PC users from each other.
How do we control players 13-256? How do we use them properly? This tutorial can help you understand players better.
DICTIONARY:- Main Players: Players 1-12 are the main players.
- Supply Provider: A building or unit that provides supply. Example: A supply depot provides 8 supply.
- Supply used: The ammount of supply a user is currently using. Example: 23/48. The user would be using 23 supply.
- Total supply: The total ammount of supply a user can use. Example: 23/48. The user can only use up to 48 supply unless he/she builds another supply provider which will increase the total supply to a higher ammount untill it reaches the supply limit.
- Supply limit: The limit of that player's total supply. Default in melee is 200. Example: 23/200. If the player has enough supply providers to set it past 200 it will not increase, it still stops here. This is the supply limit for that player.
So, you're wondering what this is used for huh? If you played Starcraft, I hope you would have understood it.

There are a wide variety of Players. Some speed up the game, some alter your supply limit, some give you everlasting spammy text, and some can even cloak or uncloak any unit in the game.
Alright, you need some proof that players 1-12 are the main players. Right? Well here, take in this large ammount of information of the amazing pattern in this player alliance guide.
NOTE: This tells if the main players are allied
TO these players by default.

As you see, all the alliances to these players. Now if you keep counting down by 12's, you'll see the pattern.
Now that that's done, I'll also give you a list of supply changes for the players.
--------------------------------------------------- Zerg Building 1(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Zerg Building 2(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Protoss Building 1(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Cave(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Cave-In(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Cantina(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Mining Platform(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Independant Command Center(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Independant Starport(Unused): +5
- Independant Jump Gate(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Ruins(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Khaydarin Crystal Formation(Unused, crashes on sight): +5
- Spore Colony: +13
- Extractor: +13
- Evolution Chamber: +20
- Creep Colony: +20
- Sunken Colony: +20
- unit: +25
- Assimilator: +25
- Shield Battery: +25
- Supply Depot: +25
- Refinery: +25
- Missile Turret: +25
- Bunker: +25
- Engineering Bay: +33
- Gateway: +38
- Comsat Station: +38
- Nuclear Silo: +38
- Barracks: +38
- Covert Ops: +38
- Physics Lab: +38
- Machine Shop: +38
- Nydus Canal: +38
- Spawning Pool: +38
- Photon Cannon: +50
- Cybernetics Core: +50
- Forge: +50
- Academy: +50
- Control Tower: +50
- Armory: +50
- Lair: +50
- Hive: +50
- Hydralisk Den: +50
- Robotics Support Bay: +63
- Defiler Mound: +75
- Observatory: +88
- Queen's Nest: +88
- Citidal of Adun: +100
- Factory: +100
- Starport: +100
- Greater Spire: +100
- Templar Archives: +125
- Spire: +125
- Science Facility: +138
- Ultralisk Cavern: +138
- Robotics Facility: +150
- Stargate: +150
- Infested Command Center: +150
- Hatchery: +150
- Fleet Beacon: +175
- Nexus: +200
- Command Center: +200
- Arbiter Tribunal: +225
What's this list for you ask? It means placing the unit for a certain player will add that certain number on to the supply. The following is the list of supply changes and what player to place for the change to occur. The '*' indicates the number for one of the units above. All other units will add 0.

Now that we've seen all of that, let's look at players that would draw our attention.
Player 13:Player 13 is unique because of it's fast-frame speed up and it's random colours. Placing a unit for player 13 will increase frame rate in the game for other preplaced units. It
does not increase speed. Also depending on the ammount of players, the tileset it's played on, and other minor things, Player 13 will be a different colour in the game and have different selection circles. Remember, that the increased framerate is for pre-placed units and will not affect units created in the game.
Player 14:Player 14 has earned it's prize for the most used player. But many people believe it only increases speed. This is not true. Player 14 has a few more uses you may have not known of. Player 14 also has a few instructions to be used properly. I'll tell you here how to harness player 14's power of time travel.

- How to make time faster by 2x:
You must place a player 14 map revealer as the first unit on your map. If it is placed after, it will only freeze preplaced units before it. The map revealer can be placed anywhere you wish. All units will be 2 times faster. Some minor glitches may occur, such as if a zerg unit is attacked while burrowing, it may unburrow and cloak at the same time.
How to make time faster by 4x:For this to work, using the same steps as for 2x speed, you must place an interceptor or scarab instead of a map revealer. Note that a scarab must be placed on land, so that would make the interceptor a better choice. All units will end up 4x faster. This causes major glitches such as many units not attacking properly, vision randomly disappearing and reappearing, and arbiters' cloaking malfunctions.
How to freeze time:There are 2 ways of doing this. One which will literally freeze units, and one that will partially freeze units. To do the one to fully freeze pre-placed units, place a map revealer, interceptor, or scarab after placing the units you want frozen. The units placed before will be frozen. They can not die, or be controlled. Fog will run over it but you will still see it and be able to click on it. To do the one to partially freeze units, just simply place any ground unit on invalid terrain for player 14. When the game starts, it will say the unit was unplacable and all preplaced units would have been frozen, but will still look like they are moving and can be killed. Killing certain units using this method may crash the game. Fog will run over them like it does in the first method of freezing units.
How to freeze animation:This is something different, as you can 'freeze unit animation'. Place a player 14 scanner sweep anywhere. Once that scanner sweep ends, all units that were moving will be stuck in their current animation. Note that if you kill any of these units, the game will crash.
Player 19:Player 19 is quite different from the players mentioned so far. Player 19 has the power of text. What I mean is, Player 19 can controll what you type. It has the power to add 3 characters before every sentence, and what's unique about this player is that those 3 characters of text will last throughout your complete session of Starcaft. Depending on the number of units or sprite-units that are placed for player 19, you will get 3 different characters of text. You can even get colour codes in your text, making it red, yellow, green, etc. Holding enter will spam the game with your 3 characters of text.
Player 161:This is the second most powerful player following player 14. This player has the ability to cloak or uncloak any unit in the game. This player has not been exparimented with enough to give you accurate instructions of usage. What we have discovered is that you can't have pre-placed vision of this player, or it may crash. This player is also known for cloaking other units like burrowed zerg units owned by other players.
So, I have given you most of the information I know already. You can now control supply, speed, and other things I have mentioned. Have fun.
Map LimitsHere, I will tell you all the map limits.
Max Strings: 1024
Max Locations: 256 (Including "Anywhere")
Min unit HP: -8388608
Max unit HP: 8388608 (8388607+1)
Min Shield Ammount: -32768
Max Shield Ammount: 32767
Max Armour Ammount: 255
Max Upgrades: 255
Max Mineral Cost: 65535
Max Gas Cost: 65535
Max Damage: 65535
Max(upgraded) Damage: 65535 + (65535*255) = 16776960
Max text characters displayed in force: 29
Max Players: 256
Max colours: 256
Max minerals/vaspene geyser ammount: 65535
Max units/sprites: 1700
Min ever working map size: 1x6(I think)
Max working map size: 256x256
(That's about all I know, someone add to this)