Well I was bored so I decided to try and make a map that would use the burrowing cloak bug
I also tried it with a drone and lurker but the drone wasn't burrowing and the lurker just didn't wana stay down
, also for some reason the zergling is the only one that dosnt have a 100% chance to cloak
I reccomend you find a hoby lol
its not like it took very long, maby 20 mins at max
Hmmmm, weren't you the guy making the ruroni kenshin map? Hows that coming along for ya?
ya im workin on it.... slowly
still not done remaking the battle system though
The thing is, with this method, if you burrow- it will uncloak again, and if you build a hatchery or creep colony, it will also uncloak. The disable-enable method works well, but if you want something quick and it shouldn't be able to burrow, use this method and hand it to a player.
you really need to find a hobby....
and second, instead of working on this, shouldent you be working more on youre map?
*scrolls up*
"its not like it took very long, maby 20 mins at max"
"ya im workin on it"
Its all about having the Cloaked Arbiters, once you can get those cloaked, you become god!
Is that system based on waits or the ''bring units to location''? well either way that is very well done, maybe mathrix could use this on his new marine special forces v. cloaked map.
Disable/Enable is better i think, ...
Looking at the map again I think that the map is based on bring unit to location and not waits, that way it is faster and more precise.
Create Unit at locations 'x'
Move to location 'y'
Give at location 'y'
Thats basically it isn't it?