Yoshi is it me? Or does the fourms seem to be getting more slow. Because when I try and go into a fourm section it takes a long while. Nothing is wrong with my internet. And I don't think you working on the site lags the fourms. I'm guessing that too many topics are being posted or something.
I think its spaceboy's avatar.
I'll take it out if he doesn't first

Does same for me.... The page loads, then theres like a break of 7-8 seconds where I can't move and then it's all ok. I thought it was my internet.
when I go on here it sort of freezes for 2-10 seconds like that too
Mine seems fine... Myabe I have a faster connection or something...
This topic for example. I got on another page, and it took its usual 7-8 second freeze, and Space DID reply, here, I waited until to fully loads and no freeze was available. I beleive we have our reason!!!!!
probably. I usually go on on a school Internet explorer connection, so...
I'm not saying its perfect, I just said I wasn't really having a problem with it. One less problem to worry about (for Yoshi) I guess...
I noticed it too...... :l
I got rid of it, plus swf files aren't legal avatars anymore. Sorry spaceboy.
See I told you yoshi and you said it was just me!

now I know I wasn't the only one

I think a terrible server is hosting the website. I mean how can it be so slow, it wasn't as slow as before.
No, the hosting is fine. Even if, I need the space for all the sounds I'll put

Ah, now that I actually go into this topic, I find out.
The ironic thing was that I was also plauged by this problem. Oh well.
EDIT: Maybe another reason why it was slow because it was from another server.
Still, flash is pretty CPU consuming. Not a good idea

I hate to say this, but maybe delete those pointless fourms where people just spam. I mean it can save some space.
And I thought this was just me and I wasn't going to complain. No wonder everything took so long. The funny part is, I never even noticed SpaceBoy's avatar. So much lag for something I never look at. Tragic, really. :/
Go onto the Oi forum. My avatar is still there. And I don't get the freezing problem on my computer there either.
Also keep in mind that Invision boards are more complex than phpBB (sorry Oi).
I agree. These boards have so many more features. And the board at oi sometimes does weird things, like in trade-off stories with really really really really really long posts, it would screw up the whole enttire topic and prevent it from being viewed. So we constantly take backups of the trade-off because that's where all the long posts ends up.
But here, I haven't seen any of those problems. Plus, there are some useful things, such as when you highlight a bunch of words and press the bold putton, the tags are automatically placed around the text instead of at the very end of the post. It's these little things that subtly make a forum better.
The script execution time for this page was: 0.3147 seconds.
Thats how long it took the server to prossess it. However sending it is a different story, and this IS a shared server.
Yoshi, for some odd reason, the freezing problem has returned. I still have it, even though my avatars are gone. Maybe the massive amounts of animated GIFs contributes as well...
This only happens to me with IE. Every other browser views these pages with no lag at all.
The gifs are all about 7 kb in size each. No way they can be the issue. I'm running a P4 1.0 GHz here.
yeah, i'm still freezing up too...