Yoshi autobugs me to post an intro about myself, so what the heck.
My name's Thels de Kwant, but some might know me better as either EasyWay (the nick I use on Battle.net) or Sir Galahad (the nick I used back when I was a proud member of Camelot Systems).
I have a mapmaking urge for a few weeks every half-year or so, in which I try to put some of my ideas into a map. The idea outflow from my mind demands more time than I can spare, tho, so most of my ideas just hit space.
I did make (and finish) one map that got rather popular on Battle.net, but some ***hole wiped my name from the map and thus no one knew I made the map (people didn't believe me either

I designed a second version of that map, with loads of improvements, but was a little wary about making it public, so I only played it with people I knew. That might've been the map's downfall, since I never felt the map really complete, so it never went public

I'm doing a 3rd version now, and maybe I'll finish it.
PS. I just love putting my own stuff in maps. I did some War2 and War3 mapping as well (most notable one, a War2 map where dwarves and goblins could mine oil from oil mines, without the need of building platforms, fully B.net compatible, since everything's in the map), and worked on maps for lots of other games no one ever heard about, including non-RTS games.
Ahh, this is getting way too boring. Lemme end the post...