Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Accuracy Bullet System
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-11-13 at 20:39:39
Here are all the important posts I have made about this new Accuracy Bullet system.

Here's a way to put in the accuray factor.

Make a 1x1 location on the marine, center location it and don't preserve trigger.
Then have a bigger Location, the better the accuray the bigger the big location.

Have the scourge move to the big location and if it hits the marine in the small location then it's a hit.

Here's where accuracy comes in.
A sitting target will always be 100% hit.
A moving target will be different.

When you shoot and the marine is moving have the 1x1 location center on where the marine was on the instant you shot.
When the scourge gets to the 1x1 location have the big one center to where the scourge is.
If the marine is inside both locations then it was a 100% hit. If the marine was in the big location but not in the small one then use Randomization Switches to determine if it was a hit or not.
If the marine was completely outside the 2 locations then it was a miss.

Say the weapon has a 75% of hit and 25% of miss.
The randomization triggers will run on the % of accuracy that your weapon has. If it hit on the 75% of switches that were hit then it's a hit. If not then you missed.

To merge the randomizaiton triggers enable a switch run when you hit the gun trigger. Then have that switch as a condition to start the randomization switches.

It will either hit the center most target or the lower left most target would be hit first so on and so on.
II will tell you guys everything about my system when I finish testing it.

Here are some stats of the testing weapons I will make.

-I will be using a beacon system to make the trigger since it is the easiest to reset and after all thi is just a test and not something to showoff triggers.
-I've decided that there will be one set of Random Switches per gun each Random switch will have a different gun and accuracy desingned into it.
-You will be a civilian since it can't attack phsysically so there won't be any atatcking interference.
-Bullets will do a one shot kill, since we are only testing if it works. You can later modify it so that it only takes a certain amount of damage(%), but ti will be hard to calculate when will it die.

Some Guns and gun stats i will test.
%Accuracy: This sets how the Randomization trigger will work.
Attack Speed: I will have a separate death Counter trigger working on switches so that there will be a gun cooldown. (Slow 3 seconds, Normal one second, Fast 0.25 seconds)

-Hand Gun: 50% Accuracy and normal speed
-Uzi: 25% Accuracy and high speed
-Sniper Rifle: 95% Accuracy and slow speed
-Machine Gun: 20% Accuracy and no cooldown(it shoots depending on how fast you hit the trigger)
-ShotGun: *Special* hit several targets, I will make it shoot multiple bullets at once but I don't think I will be able to regulate when the locations will fire. Maybe make another trigger shooting at units within a 5x5? location(Blast radius) around the initial target. Slow speed.

I will also attempt to put range limitations per gun be making a big location depending on the type of gun around the shooter. with that location I will have to have the target within that location(Range limitation).

The trigger that fires everything is the gun trigger not Staredit triggers. It would be the equivalent of a Gun trigger.

The bullet(Scourge) will go to where the unit was standing when you hit the trigger. I might have to make it a different way as to 250 milliseconds or something like that since scourges are way too slow to actually simulate a bullet.

I will be using a automatic fireing system which does not require you to put an observer to the place where you want to shoot, the system will shoot the center most or bottom left most target. I'm not sure since I'm currently making all the triggers and stuff.

I will not make the shotgun at this moment because it will take lots of modifiations from the others gun systems.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-11-13 at 21:40:14
Sounds funky
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2004-11-13 at 22:09:50
Holy crap that's nice...
I dont get your last quote box though...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SaLaCiouS(U) on 2004-11-14 at 01:00:20
I have no idea what your system does. Explain it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2004-11-14 at 01:14:29
There are 2 locations.
1 is 1x1 square
2 is larger than the 1x1 square. Prolly like 10x10 or 5x5.

The scourge shoots from the shooter place and is given the order to move to the 1x1 square. The marine (runner dodger person) moves away to dodge the scourge. If the scourge hits the 1x1 location, then the marine dies. If the scourge hits the larger location, then the marine has a random chance of dying.

In other words, it's a way to measure if you dodged the bullet or not. Like a Matrix real time.
It helps with realistic maps because most bullets don't always hit you if you try to dodge it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2004-11-14 at 03:45:16
His system is basically my system, but I'll give him the credit.
Basically, you have an observer ( or any other flying unit ) that determines where your shot is. If you place the observer over a enemy unit, and fire, a scourge will be created and ordered to move to that location. If the enemy moves, the scourge will continute until it reaches it's destination. Once it does, an explosion will occur and a series of triggers. If he was inside of the 1x1 square, full accuracy ( meaning no use of switches required ) and one hit kill ( eaisly modifed ). If he was in the second square ( probably 3x3 for realistic purposes ) the weapon's accuracy will come into play, ( uzi is 20% ). Randomizing switches will come into play to see if the bullet actually hit. If it does, he will die. After every shot, there will be a cooldown rate to even it out. Also, there will probably be a 7x7 location around the original unit ( civilian aka the player ) that the observer can not wander out of. This is for the purpose of you can't aim the gun half across the map and hit someone. The range for each gun is different, as a shotgun is probably 4x4, but more chance of hitting. A sniper rifile would allow probably 20x20, but you would need to hit precision ( 1x1 ) to get the kill.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-11-14 at 04:27:42
Someone make + release a demo?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by .Coko[CK] on 2004-11-14 at 05:48:51
I see how it works clearly, but i'm sure i've seen older maps with a similar point to them. However you've got it in writing, i'll throw a little map out this afternoon.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SaLaCiouS(U) on 2004-11-14 at 08:14:24
I still don't understand. If a unit has a 4x4 and a 1x1 Location centered on it, the scourge will ALWAYS hit the larger location first. So what am I missing?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by NeoNightmareX on 2004-11-14 at 09:13:22
i get it, this is a very cool concept let me explain it to you salicious

ok lets say the marine was in the top left most block, and the scourge hits the middle one, since he was in a 3x3 area of it there is a random chance of dying, the red block is 100% chance, yellow is random chance, and white is no chance of dying


lets say the marine was in the red block, and the scourge hits it, marine dies, no question, if the scourge hits the yellow, theres a chance of dying probably randomly, and if the scourge touches the white, no chance of dying, no question, and the red block follows the marine around understand now salicious?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheeZe on 2004-11-14 at 09:22:28
Lol, sala has a point. If you have 2 locations, 1 is bigger than the other, the scourge will ALWAYS hit the bigger one first happy.gif

don't explain what his system is; find the bugs first.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by NeoNightmareX on 2004-11-14 at 09:32:45
well, i guess that is true, but its not like he will use hypertriggers or something, that means it will take a while to kill, (i am not sure if he is using hypertriggers, i didn't read all of the posts, just some, but i do not think he will be using hypertriggers, so it will take some time to kill, that gives them a chance to try and get it into the "red" area
Report, edit, etc...Posted by idoL on 2004-11-14 at 09:57:26
My system was simmiliar and it worked fine; player 1 [shooter] brings 1 marine to [big location on you], player 2 [guy you're gonna hit] brings 1 tank to [the big location] remove marine, make 1 scrouge to goto the 1x1 centerd on your opponent. [that's my system]. Very simmiliar yet I used a dropship to carry the bullets, and no dodge detector.

Could you provide a map/demo please?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by .Coko[CK] on 2004-11-14 at 10:07:07
I believe their is a couple of locations of different sizes over the unit, and depending on teh gun shot at that player, it will hit one or other, and they centre from time to time, not all the time. So only the 1x1 is constantly over the player, the other lot just jump from time to time.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-11-14 at 10:28:31
Sorry if I couldn't reply to your questions but i was sleeping.

Ultimo: Yes an observer would be quite nice to have, it would be like the target reticle but i won't be using it as this is just for testing purposes, the same reason i will use a beacon system instead of a dropship system.

NeoNightmareX: very well done butt you did it the other way around. The scourge will always hit the red zone as it was ordered to move there. The target is the one moving out of the red zone. Once the scourge moves into the red zone then the triggers will beging.

If the marine was in red then it got shot in the head.
If the marine is in the yellow then the Random triggers determine the shot in the groin.
In the white zone the you better start getting shooting practice.

The problem with what you said is that you actually need a psysical unit to be the bullet. I have changed my system to not have a psysical bullet and just have a death counter running and determineing when it will make the hit if it makes it.

No I will not be using hyper trigger at any time because it might mess up the timeing.

I'm already about 20% with the whole 4 guns. About halfway through the hand-Gun which I might finish today, but since I got a lot of homework to do I doubt it.
If only my teacher wouldn't give homework through the internet ranting.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SaLaCiouS(U) on 2004-11-14 at 11:00:41
~Random post here so that Beer_Keg can post a new explanation~
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-11-14 at 11:19:37
Here is s step-by-step thing so that Sala and all the other who PM'ed me can understand.

1) You will start by putting your vulture (selector) over the corresponding beacon of the gun you want.

2) That action that you just did will trigger a location to move to your civilian (The guy holding the gun), this location will be the range of your gun and it will start running the Random Triggers (See (U)Bolt_Head's tutorial on Random triggers)

3) When you see a unit that is close enough (inside your gun range) you will move your vulture to the beacon that says "TriggerFire", this will act like the gun trigger(you just fired the gun)

-=I can put an observer as a target selector but I won't do it as I am just testing the system and not making a game out of it, the target will be automatically selected by the Starcraft engine=-

Now for the technical Stuff

4) Once you shoot your gun 2 locations will move on top of your target.
The smaller location will be the one hit kill zone, and the other bigger location will be the Accuracy zone.

-= The two locations won't follow the unit because the vulture in step 3 will be moved out of the beacon, causing the condition of the locations following the unit, not to be met thus causing the locations to stay in that one place where the target was.

5) A Death Counter wait come in after you hit the gun trigger, this will represent the time that the bullet takes to reach your target. (You can modify this according to distance but I won't do it as this is just testing and not a game.)

6) Once the wait is over the actuall trigger comes in. The target will have either stayed there or moved.
If the target was in the small location(One hit Kill zone), then the target is easily killed.
If the target was in the bigger location(Acuracy Zone), than thats when the Random Triggers come in. Depending on what gun you used you set the switches to represent a hit% say 50%. Depending on that Random Trigger it determines whether it was a hit or a miss. (In this case 50%)
If the unit was completely out of both locations then it was a miss.

7) Depending on the gun that you choose you will have a cooldown time. The vulture will be given to another player(Computer) and then it will be given back to you so that you can keep shooting.

20 minutes where put here.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2004-11-14 at 15:48:04
To determine the location, if the person brings one men to the small location, one men to the large location, then that means hes inside the first smaller locaton. If he brings one men to the outer location, but no men to the inside location, that means that no one is in the middle location.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-11-21 at 15:18:23
The much waited accuracy System Beta is done.
Only 1 weapon but it works. I ahd to change a little bit of the triggering and put a wait in there but it works quite nicely. Now I'll have to fine tune it and then repeat it for the 3 other weapons.
I won't submit it to the DLDB but you can catch me at at clan uUu most probably, ask me and we will see it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheLostTemplar on 2004-11-21 at 15:55:42
Wow, beer, Thats nice!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-11-25 at 13:37:03
I have finished 2 more weapons and I will start now on the last weapon. I have also changed a bit of the Triggering to make it more efficient.

I will implement display text so that you can see your % hit/miss and see that they truly are random.
I will have to write extensive instructions in a Tutorial.
Write the Tutorial itself.

Im almost done, you can expect it to be done before map night.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-11-26 at 17:06:33
The Accuracy Bullet System is finished!

I will submit it to the DLDB and have a Tutorial up and running tonight.

Here it is:
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2004-11-26 at 17:53:40
Good Work i guess, but you have to look at the triggers to truely appricate it.

Unfortunately you would not really shoot well with the beacon and censored.gif , may i sggest a dropship system?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-11-26 at 18:20:30
A dropship system would mean additional triggers.
This is jsut an experimental map which isn't for coolness or anything just efficiency.

Here's what I do:

I put the civilian next to all those SCV's and I click on the vulture then move my screen on top of the civilian and I keep moving the vulture with the minimap.
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