Hello everyone. I'm new here, obviously, and I always say Hi for these fourms...for whatever reason. I can make maps on SC, but I'm not that good at it...I think. Well, if I make any maps, you guys gotta tell me, I have no clue, I'm not good at grading myself XD. I hope I am welcomed here =P
Welcome. What kind of games did you make.
I made a couple games on an online engine called BYOND (www.byond.com) Easy to start out with. After I get more advanced in coding Im probably going to go to a more adv. coding langugae like Java/C++.
Youll be great at mapmaking since youre a programmer.
Thats what I think, as soon as I get more used to the Triggers and everything, I could probably make some great maps.
I'd advice learning C++ has much more strength over Java, and once you've learnt C++ you can learn most of the other major programming languages. Will you take courses or teach yourself?
Ummm I was planing on taking courses but my school is a bunch of idiots and took the course out and replaced it with Java >_< So I'll probably use those "learn it yourself" books to help myself out. Though every single C++ Client I install has some kind of retarded problem. For example, Visual C++ cannot ever read my header thing, and no one in school, even the C++ Gods (from my school at least) cant figure it out >_<
Welcome, I hope we, to the best of our ability, will be able to help you.
Could I kindly offer you a kiwi?
Kiwi? Sorry if thats a simple term, I'm not around a society...at all. Well, until now XD
Thats not funny... *Rips open his intestants and takes it, whatever it is* XD
For now on i'm counting how many times the weapon dude says want a kiwi
around 50-100 times i found kiwi when i was serching.... Your making a record dude... in the fourms
Hi, I'm Screwed.

He purposly types the same thing over and iver again...dunno why.
Okay Im confused...and I want to know why. Please help me! OMg...that reminds me of the new commecial where they guy has all this stuff and then hes like
How do I do it? I'm in debt up to my eyeballs.
Then in the end hes riding a lawn mowwer saying, Somebody help me. Omfg that cracks me up everytime.
SEN is a confusing place...

Well hello peace....*throws a kiwi at him*
*Eats it befor it hits him*