I know the images are a bit large (in resolution and not disk space) so please be patient. I know this can be useful for maps but I'm not sure how. All these were tested in BW 1.11b.
1. 2 different types of hallucinated vespene geysers

Figure 1-1
The selected extractor looks "normal" but it says hallucinated. It was built over a hallucinated geyser. The one below the "normal" extractor was a preplaced hallucinated extractor. They both have their energy bars. When it reaches 0/135, the extractors dissappear. The extrctor built over the hallucinated geyser also dissappear. But the thing is, they both act like normal geysers and supply gas until they dissappear! Hallucinated Extractors take 2x damage and "bleed" when some HP has been lost. The Extractor built on top of the hallucinated geyser also takes double damage and bleed when "injured".
2. Hallucinated Mineral Fields
Same as the hallucinated geysers, except that they don't show their energy bars. They can be gathered until they dissappear.
3. A hallucinated Hive

Figure 1-2
The hallucinated hive is almost identical to the normal Hive below, except that it has an energy bar and can't do anything (research upgrades, select larva). But they still produce normal larva! They can mutate into units, but when the hallucinated Hive dissappears the Larvae stay there, provided there is creep under them. Hallucinated Hives also produce creep. The creep goes away when the Hives dissappear. Lastly, they also receive resources. (That means Drones can drop minerals/gas off at a hallucinated Hive. Hallucinated Hives don't provide supply, although it says Supply Provided: 1. It says 2 supply max because I had two normal Hives stacked on top of each other. Hallucinated Hives take 2x damage and also bleed when injured.

Figure 2-1
After the hallucinated buildings dissappear. You can see that the resource count has increased and that the larvae from the hallucinated hive is still there.
You can try these yourself by downloading the map. (Not tested with SC 1.11b)
P.S If you select the Zerglings...

1.If you create a hallucinated "Unit Maker" building (e.g Spawning Pool, Hydralisk Den), it won't let you morph Zerglings or Hydralisks from larvae until you build a "real" Spawning Pool/Hydralisk Den.
2. And no, a hallucinated Lair and a real Hatchery won't let you build Spires unless you have a real Lair somewhere...
Total edit count: 3