Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Advanced Virtual/Reg HP System
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-11-15 at 20:11:14
I was thinking of a way that you can actually subtract HP from a unit, a way i thought of is, Have a set number of hidden score (Razings, Custom, etc) for a computer, and when you take damage, such as a Poison effect, you could subtract a certain ammount of the hidden score. The hidden score is used to HP, trigger would be like

Score to HP (Add/Subtract System)
¤ Player 1*
¤ 'Player 8*' 'Razing*' score is 'exactly' '1*'.
¤ Set hit points for 'All*' 'Terran Marine*' owned by 'Player 1*' to '1*'%.
¤ Preserve Trigger.

And create multiple of those triggers for each HP by 1s or 2s, whatever you want, and all you need to do is subtract the score to subtract health, or add, so on... so it would actually show the damage and is probably most accurate happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by greenreaper on 2004-11-15 at 20:21:11
That's (well I think) a pretty well-known common sense HP system. Well Good Job on finding it. You could also like move 100 burrowed units to a place, and subtract a burrowed unit to actually subtract from whatever unit you want to suffer. Well, I guess either way you'll have to make a hell a lot of triggers biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-11-15 at 21:07:23
Yea but, If you want to substract 1 Point, your Char need to have 100 Hp.... And what about a char with a life of 3?

Oh well, Your idea is great happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-11-16 at 00:33:21
QUOTE(greenreaper @ Nov 15 2004, 08:21 PM)
That's (well I think) a pretty well-known common sense HP system.  Well Good Job on finding it.  You could also like move 100 burrowed units to a place, and subtract a burrowed unit to actually subtract from whatever unit you want to suffer.  Well, I guess either way you'll have to make a hell a lot of triggers  biggrin.gif

Even though it make take alot of triggers, it wouldnt take long if you copy the trigger then modify the parts needed to be changed ermm.gif

Hmmm, i'm currently finding a way to... say you lost 10 HP from a regular battle, then you buy a potion, with supposably heals 5 HP, i'm finding a way that it can add 5 from the 10 that was lost, say 100HP to 90HP, then need to make it heal to 95HP, as accurate as i can. closedeyes.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by qPirateKing on 2004-11-16 at 01:27:18
Man, I posted a map with this a long time ago, but no one even bothered to download it (it got 1 view). Just the same, good job getting the word out.

As for the potion thing, I got a system all figured out for it. You've got Deep Blue, right? Take a look at the triggers...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-11-16 at 20:23:37
LOL, i didn't even notice you used the thing i posted closedeyes.gif
Errr, except you used Death Counts tongue.gif Which seems better.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by eXiLe on 2004-11-16 at 22:43:18
I've seen this before
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VoidArchon(MC) on 2004-11-17 at 00:29:52
QUOTE(eXiLe @ Nov 16 2004, 10:43 PM)
I've seen this before

By whom?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2004-11-17 at 16:54:42
QUOTE(VoidArchon(MC) @ Nov 16 2004, 11:29 PM)
By whom?


*ehem* well, anways, i have seen that before i think in some games but i cant remember them off the top of my head nor the makers of those games.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zero on 2004-11-17 at 17:00:52
Rofl millennium ive seen it done by some one called C)c(H-Choo-Choo
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xtremebob on 2004-11-18 at 15:21:12
I've thought of a virtual HP counter, It goes like this, and if it is the same as others sorry tongue.gif

Setting Up Health
¤ Player X
¤ Elaspe time is exactly zero seconds
¤ Set Players X units to the amount of health they will have.

Choose Attack Type
¤ Player X
¤ Player X brings one Selector for Unit 1,2,3,ect, to location Attack, Spell, ect
¤ Move to Unit Attack Location
¤ Preserve Trigger

Chosen Unit
¤ Player X
¤ Player X brings 1 Selector for Unit 1,,3,ect. Attack Unit 1,2,3,ect Enemy
¤ Move Unit X to the Enemy of choice location
¤ Make the unit attack for one sec or whatever
¤ Display Text: Unit X attacks! Deals three points of damage!
¤ Subtract death of Unit X by 3
¤ Preserve Trigger

Health Display
¤ Player X
¤ Unit X has suffered 100 deaths of unit X
¤ Modify Nearby mineral feild to 100 minerals
¤ Preserve Trigger

Health Display
¤ Player X
¤ Unit X has suffered 99 deaths of unit X
¤ Modify Nearby mineral feild to 99 minerals
¤ Preserve Trigger

Now to make things a bit clearer if these trigger don't make sense.
If it made a bit of sense, you would know this will only work if you are making a turn base map, since I havn't been making maps for a long time, I not too sure if virtual HP is only for turn base maps tongue.gif.
Ok, how this works is that when you dicide to attack an enemy, your unit will be sent next to him to attack and will deal what amount fo damage he is suppose to do. When you attack an enemy, the amount of damage you do will decrease the amount of death of the unit you are using, in other words, you use a death counter of the unit you are using. And when you receive damage, and after you made a huge amount of trigger of the health display, the mineral feild behind that unit will decrease telling you how much health that unit has left.
I hope this makes sense or is worth making, I am currently working on making a tester fight with this system.
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