I played around with it, and I found a few things.
if the units walked into each other, they went psycho until they got to the creep again and went back onto the water like normal.
Also, I found you could spawn Lurkers opn water which looked cool.
Third, I had a defiler get stuck off the side of the map. it was half off. It was strange. I couldn't move it out of the side. I wish I thought of a replay, but I had a couple of pics to dl of the last two things I said.
Anyways, I was wondering if it was possilbe to experiment with this and see if we can control units getting half off the map. It didn't crash, it just wiggled like it was trying to mvoe out of there.
Is this a worthy concept other than looking sort of neat?
I guess it is possible to experiment...it is just up to you if you want to...Oh and how did u spawn a lurker on water..and put a deflier on the side of the map.
In the map, (somewhere in experimental maps section) Ground on Water.
basically, it shows that by using patrol, you can make the untis that walk on invalid terrain from that blank sprite tile not go psycho. I did it with a hydralisk, then made it mutate into a Lurker. It comes out fine and walks around like a psycho.
I have no idea how I ddi the defiler thing, I think it was spawned with 3 others at the same time and was pushed off.... Wish I rememebred to save a replay.
wish you knew how to get the defiler on the side of the map cuz i wanan know its awsome XD
Nothing new, people have known this for a while.
if i new how to do the deflier i would put them all around the map sides and make a map in the middle
I don't like PCX. Can u have it on Jpg?
try recalling units it stops them on water
Really Chill? Is there a known way to make it be stuck there on purpose?
John, I'll have them up very soon.
I should try that Lisk. I know there are quite a few bugs with recall, like making an SCV build across a map.
I'll just post the pictures directly
Do they work?, or do I have to make them downloadable?
(Neat, I noticed teh mouse pointer for the forum is the exact same size as the one in the pictrues,
heres a map with the same concept. just abit more test friendly
QUOTE(Zerg Playing Dead @ Nov 18 2004, 02:02 PM)
(Neat, I noticed teh mouse pointer for the forum is the exact same size as the one in the pictrues,
Wow i didn't even notice that was the mouse pointer. Yoshi had proboly taken it right from SC's files.
Nothing new, people have known this for a while.
I never did... care to enlighten us on how to get the defiler half-off the map?
I am guessgin because it was on null sprite creep terrain, and outside the map it is supposedly null, so perhaps it was able to move into that or be pushed into that like how they go onto the water.
That's just my guess though....
This glitch happens to me very usually, but I don't watch how it is done, i should save a replay .... I think it is due to multiple units to the same where, and when they finished to move, they walk aroud, to be more spaced each of each, and probably, some go between end of the map (ground normal?) and null terrain, so they are between, I think .
I dont know how or why it happens but i've known that it was possable for a long time.
Well we all knew it is possible, we just didn't know how it was done(getting the ground unit half-off the map).
Yea, I know. My friend was sitting next to me and he was like "dude, post something!" so I posted something.
QUOTE(Chill @ Nov 19 2004, 11:50 PM)
Yea, I know. My friend was sitting next to me and he was like "dude, post something!" so I posted something.
Don't ever listen to your friends!, They will get you banned...Ugh my friend sitting next to me told me to say that...So i did...
So... we could experiment with pushing units off the map with null terrain then? Would be interesting and fun... sort of.
Well..sorry if you consider this spam. I think it has some relation to this. Anyways I was playing a money map for the heck of it. My drone, i told it to make and extractor. when it got there it just stood on the geyser moveing the little taile thingy continually. I could not control it it was just stuck there. When I told another drone to build on it it appeared ontop on the extractor. Another time I told a drone to go get gas but it just stood at the entrace of the extractor and moved it's tail p and down stuck there. Does this have something to do with the defiler thing?
That's the Pissed off Drone Glitch! You can do it with Stasis and stuff, but I have done it like that too just by making it build an extractor. 2 Drones went over it at once (damn money map), and it sat like that the rest of the game.
I found that if you set a rally point and build, the units will walk into the water until they get to where you selected and then they go crazy. Or, they'llc ross if you pressed that far. They will sometimes walk through units, but then they will go crzy before they make it to their destination. A unit crossing water is fine as long as it doesn't walk int another unit....