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Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Bound RPG
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Loser_Musician on 2004-11-18 at 17:05:36
Bounds of course have been going down hill. (Personally, i believe they started there anyways) And to fix this, some one needs to make a bound rpg. If this thread inspires you to make one, don't worry. This thread will take no credit u helping you make it.

I won't go into detail, best to leave the map maker to that. But here's the main idea.

Replace the battle system with a bound system. For example, if u wanted to get to the 2nd town, you would have to cross some mountain/bridge/ whatever, and there are of course, traps on it. When u get past the traps, you will then get a reward. (EXP, Gold, w/e)(You can also redo the trap as training)
When you level up, the traps go a lil slower, and a lil slower. And if u want, you can either make it to so, the more ppl at a trap, the slower goes, or the easier it becomes. Or you can just make it so only 1 person at a time. Or even make it so you can take more hits from certain traps. And/or get more lives. Whatever. That's up to you. Be creative.

You can have towns, you can have spells, you can have items, it's all possible. Just got to be creative. No one to my knowledge has ever created a bound rpg. So if someone where to do, it will get much respect in my book.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by eXiLe on 2004-11-18 at 17:12:25
I'm already making one I'm pretty far with it pinch.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-11-20 at 11:58:44
YaY Bound/rpgs I love bound rpgs! there FUN!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JonnyOThan on 2004-11-20 at 12:01:28
Yea! Go bound's and RPG's, They are the best games out, Even thought bound dont use alot of map making skill to make!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by illusion(SS) on 2004-11-20 at 21:06:55
isent Zelda bound sort of rpg like? because it has sounds and text and the guys talks to you and you have to save your grampa or something. it allways seemed a little more then just a bound.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-11-21 at 12:27:52
QUOTE(illusion(SS) @ Nov 20 2004, 09:06 PM)
isent Zelda bound sort of rpg like? because it has sounds and text and the guys talks to you and you have to save your grampa or something. it allways seemed a little more then just a bound.

I've never played zelda bound maybe people should add a story and make shops and kill enemies and avoid stuff too! Bounds and rPg go together
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2004-11-21 at 13:00:11
Zelda bound is just a Bound with a story it has nothing of RPG to it.

Alpha(MC) is saying hving a whole RPG world but instead of killing everything you see you have to go and bound it.

Sounds like a good Puzzle RPG, but RPG's tend to be long and people will get tired of bounding.
People who like bounds play bounds and RPG'ers play RPG's.
I will be hard to mix the two and even harder to get them both satisfied.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheLostTemplar on 2004-11-21 at 13:59:56
I would just like to point out, I was one of the testers for the Zelda Bound tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zergling[SK] on 2004-11-21 at 14:08:35
Sounds like a good Puzzle RPG, but RPG's tend to be long and people will get tired of bounding.

Beer has a point, bounding is dying real quick, so how bout make a dungeon type lvl for ever town/act or whatever and then instead of just making bound things add is some killing, spells, and other stuff from rpgs. Also when someone fights a boss they have to kill him by attacking him (or her) but in order to get a hit in there is a switch or trap that u have to pass everytime
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheLostTemplar on 2004-11-21 at 15:16:17
Yea, rpg bounds would be hard and get boring fast...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-11-21 at 21:06:43
But they would kick so much ass for the people who like them. I know I would play them if they're good.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by eXiLe on 2004-11-21 at 22:41:19
QUOTE(illusion(SS) @ Nov 21 2004, 02:06 AM)
isent Zelda bound sort of rpg like? because it has sounds and text and the guys talks to you and you have to save your grampa or something. it allways seemed a little more then just a bound.

Zelda bound is just a map with explosions

wut he means is that
1) he starts off at a town
2) kill enemies for money
3) beat obs and kill bosses
4) upgrade with money/heal

completely original
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2004-11-21 at 23:04:16
w00t.gif I am always game for a bound nothing that is impossible and nothing that my dog can do!

And RPG's are great until they get played to much but if you mixed them both together i think that eould be great!!!

If you would like anyone to test the map or help with anything PM me i have started on a few RPG's likethat but i get really bored realy fast with maps quickly i come up with a new idea almost every day!!

Which is not the best way to do things but hey it passes the time! w00t.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheLostTemplar on 2004-11-22 at 10:09:10
Yea, Me to dark, I think i will try to make my own bound...But i dont count on it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zergling[SK] on 2004-11-22 at 12:52:18
Well if you guys like them so much then why don't you make one! pinch.gif Haha tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2004-11-22 at 15:25:33
(neat, I've seen Zergling[SK] in the clan shu channels, biggrin.gif)

I use to make bounds, but I could never come up with any comples but not too hard to beat obstacles. I also had trouble coming up with originals. I once though of a bound rog, but I gave up almost immediately because I didn't know how and I had barely learned SF (back when I had SF 1.2).
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