Ignore Zombie, he's one of the kind of people that goes on a forum, does good, does something wrong, gets warned, goes into a fit, gets into more trouble, and eventualy thinks that the moderators are corrupt and injust and decides to blame it on the nearest conveniant available thing, which would be the leaving of our old administrator, the godly Yoshi_the_Sniper.
Anyways, welcome to SEN.
IMO, the best forum I've ever seen, and I've thought that way since the day I joined, and I'm one of the older members

see thats the funny thing. i dont do good or wrong or get warned or go in a fit. then i dont get in troulbe and i dont blame any thing. what i do is
(B).Emotions are purple.
©.my real name is. 111AKB
take your choice.