Ok first off you need to make sure you use SCM Draft, or Starforge to snap all your units to the grid. The main trick is to know the order units are selected within a location when multiple units apply to the action.
For your location make a horizontal location the width of the map. Along the left or right side place a column of units preferably burrowed, or out of view.
Set up each frame of the image on a switch or death counter so you can have all your triggers run in sequence.
Start from the bottom row and work your way up changing the units. Center the location on the burrowed units first. Then you can give the civs away in order to create the desired effect.
For example if i have a horizontal location across 15 civs and wanted first 5 to be player 1 second 5 player 2 and 3rd 5 player 3 i would do this.
Trigger |
Players: |
¤ Comp Player |
Conditions: |
¤ Player 'comp' suffers exactly 1 death of 'frame' |
Actions: |
¤ Center location 'horizontal' on 'ling' owned by player 4 at anywhere
¤ Give one ling at anywhere owned by player 4 to player 5.
¤ Give all civs owned by all players at horizontal to player 3
¤ Give 10 civs owned by player 3 to player 2
¤ Give 5 civs owned by player 2 to player 1
¤ Preserve Trigger |
Then after that you could directly follow that trigger with the one for the next row up. When you start the next frame you need to give all the burrowed lings back to player 4.
PS. You could do it without any locations at all or one location for each row but this is the easyest in my opinion. Sometimes to make triggering easyer you need to use more complex triggers. This is a perfect example of that. It would take forever to make locations for each spot, but it is easyer in the since of thought. If you understand the triggers and can do this then you will find it become easyer to do this sort of thing the complex way because it actually saves time. (now who said the one location bound was pointless? lol)