This thread is only for suggestions, comments, and bugs pertaining to the map review script. It could be as small as "omg, I think the screenshot should be on the left side," but, be serious. Post away.
I can see that there is no way to delete a review.
Or edit... yeah... that'll come soon.
I wish that the general public could write reviews....
That would be a great idea but the problem is some people will screw everything up just for the heck of it.
Actually, I do want the Screenshot on the left side

can you make it so the public can rate reviews?
can we also have the X/10 picture?
Otherwise it looks very nice! Keep up the good work

x/10 picture?
Rate reviews? What would be the purpose...
You guys need to make the map rating system a little more simple... I dont know how many boxes you have for it but you should limit it to five, you know what i mean?
I think you should have actual reviews rather than just some simple scores. Explaining what the map is and what is good/bad about it tells a lot more than a few numbers. When I originally signed up to be ont he map team, I figured it was going to be actual review. Oh well. Just something to think about I guess.
Actually, I like the Score box aligned left

Blind? I went there and read your reviews, but I thought...
A replay packed with some very nice Zerg strategies going on. It's a zerg vs zerg 1v1 in the famous Lost Temple.
...seemed like a really pitiful review - especially for a replay.
That was more of a test than a review. When people start requesting reviews then the big reviews will come.
Yeah... the reviewers should be talking a bit more of the map instead of a short sentence. I wouldn't expect some full blown review for testing purposes.
Anyways, beer, bbcode is enabled, but you won't get any fancy buttons to push to write it for you... for now.
Edit and Delete should work now... as I tested the delete on your first review of the replay. The simple fact you submitted a replay for reviewing means I have to write some code to allow only maps...
But why not allow replay reviews? Even though they are pretty self-explanatory, a reviewer could explain what happened, who won, etc.
because... you could do that in your own post?
Submitter of the replay>
Yeah!! this review of me vs beer was so awesome. At 10 minutes, I did a barracks drop behind the base and caused some damage.
At 17 minutes, however, he lurker rushed me and almost slaughtered all my scv's.
At 25 minutes, things really started getting crazy. Take note of the mass destruction caused by irradicate and poor micro management.
I finally won by total harassment with my fleet of wraiths, killing overlords and drones and when he was trying to position himself to defend against the hit and run, I just rushed in with 10 marines.
Reviewer of the replay>
What he said

How does that Map ID thing work?
And also, i think the map review thing is heavily bugged. When i tried that map Write Review Link, i entered what i thought was the Map ID of a numer (the last few digits of the url) and it gave me an error. I did this twice and then in the map review database, it had two blank reviews.
Yeah... I expect bugs. The map #id box is if you wanted to write your own review for some map instead of writing a review for a requested map. I'll change this later on because I don't expect you to go find map ids.
I haven't been working on the script in the past few days, I'll revisit it when I have off of work (tuesday/thursday).
Ok so far i've reviewed 4 maps. I think u should add a scorebox for the terraining of a map. That really is a huge factor of whether a map is good or not.
Note to everyone: Post your maps so we can review em!
See MA, the problem with everyone submitting their maps for review is that all those reviews just might get deleted if I do something like add a score for terraining, which I will do.
I did make a note of this on the first page of the map reviews section.
Alright, terrain score has been added.
I meant scores to be 0.0 - 10.0 and I changed everything to reflect that.
BTW, no map should ever earn 10.0 in the overall score... so... yeah. I'm somewhat modeling this after where games are beat to death and even earning a 9.0 is a high honor for that game.
Writing a non-requested review has been fixxed at this moment.
Melee style maps won't be accepted for reviews once the script is done, this is just meant for ums. Any problems with that, let me hear it.
I want to delete the review of D-Day...It was one of my worst maps ever, and I meant to send a different one, but for some reason it was the only one available and I accidentally clicked it.

I think I've found the older maps list me as my old name, "Aster23," and I cannot submit maps under that name.
Then go back and edit those files so you list yourself as the new author.
Thanks Isolated...Man I feel stupid...