Fix it
Perhaps I should just PM you next time?
It keeps reverting because that's how i want it ;/
Yes, but everyone else (including me) wants them distinguishable.
Well then!
New color? Different shade of purple? Two different colors of the same shade completely? I don't want a light shade of gray over one of them, it just looks sick.
What if it was like:
<purple 1>MT<white>-<green>{member name}
<purple 2>DK<white>-<green>{member name}
or something... like their title IN their name to seperate them in the shoutbox / online listing.
Yeah, IP, that would look good. It may look like a clan tag to some people, though, but will definately make them stand out.
Purple is gay. I want Hot Pink. Now I lost my permissions to edit the tutorials database.
umm.....i agree with sala, i'd like a pink but sala, um...(how can i say this) ur name on ur avatar looks purple
what is it all about?????????