Here is the formula by D-Von(U) himself for ingame unit overlaps which I have as of before now, only shared with friends.
by D-Von(U)
These are estimates and for the most part are work based on the average characters lengths. Long characters (%,@) or short characters (i,l,) may throw these off by one.
Characters refers to how many characters in a Word or phrase including spaces and everything. It only refers to what the overlap is on 1 side not both front and back together. it also does not include color bars.
These are for Unit Titles, but not forbriefing, Map Title, and others.
Tabs are created in notepad or wordpad or any text editing program. They cannot be made in Staredit or it's variations. You press tab in 1 of these programs, then it will make a large space out. You copy this tab and paste in starcraft at the end of your overlaps usually with 2 Spaces at the end like refered to in this list. Do not put spaces between the two words you are overlapping.
Characters Tabs and Spaces
2-4 5 and 2
4-6 4 and 2
7-8 3 and 2
9-10 2 and 2
11-12 1 and 2
If your overlap will flash and part of it becomes invisible sometimes, remove 1 tab mark. Enjoy!
Forces works the same was basically with different amounts of tabs, and so does mission objectives but I haven't calculated rough estimates. but map title is a whole nother' story, it won't always be perfect so for those I will usually just do something I'm pretty sure I started, Double line titles. you use tabs after the first word to push the second word down to the next line in map title. the second line is always centered. then you just have to screw around with the top level word to center it.
Usually I'd come up with a whole cocky post about how a formula I use is better, but I already use that formula.
So here is my cocky response: I already use it and don't need your help to do it.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Nov 27 2004, 05:30 AM)
Usually I'd come up with a whole cocky post about how a formula I use is better, but I already use that formula.
So here is my cocky response: I already use it and don't need your help to do it.
same i dont need the help ><
QUOTE(D-Von @ Nov 26 2004, 11:53 PM)
Tabs are created in notepad or wordpad or any text editing program. They cannot be made in Staredit or it's variations.
CTRL+Tab, buddy.
You can also create second lined titles by editing the string in Starforge. By simply adding a *Enter*. I think you can copy it too but i forget.
Can do it in SCMDraft 2 as well!
To center it, use the "center" mark. To move it down, use the "newline" mark.
I think everyone knows how to overlap by now, its being overused as is...
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Nov 27 2004, 12:30 AM)
Usually I'd come up with a whole cocky post about how a formula I use is better, but I already use that formula.
So here is my cocky response: I already use it and don't need your help to do it.
Ok, so you have proven you dont need
my help. But not everybody is as cocky as
you and might need
my help. You'd be surprised, I see lots of good map makers who dont know how to overlap, even some members of (U) tell me they dont know.
I see no benefit in Overlapping, doesn't effect my gameplay nor ability to play the map if every unit is got a little shadow of some thought, just a pointless little extra...
i hate overlaps, you cant read any of the text.
You can read them if they're done right. Personally, I'm glad D-Von posted this, because I myself can't overlap properly. Sala, you should add it to the tutorial DB (after trying it, I haven't).
At least someone is greatful :/
No need to come bash about how your formula is better or you dont need help, I'm just throwing it out to people who want to use the effect. And you might want to get your eyes checked or a good monitor if you can't read overlaps, unless it's invisible over invisible, lol,.... in which case you wouldnt know it was a overlap anyway.
just that your "by me" sign
anyway overlap's useless and i alrdy used a different formula
Once again, I said no need to come in here and tell how you think overlapping is stupid or blah blah blah, some people want to overlap and cant. Your sig is right you can be a 8і†©Ћ !
under avatar? ya u read it
! congratz lol =)
People said i used to be a better overlapper then SiLeNT(U) or PickleWeezle(U) or whomever... But now i see no point in overlapping, it makes unit names look fugly, to flashy, i say it only good in bounds... DEFINETLEY not RPG's. (psst can't spell)
ADDITION: Really bad to use tabs when overlapping titles... best to use <invisible mark> and letters such as: @, W, A, ., ", %.
You shared that formula only with your friends? People have known that for a long time... and you didn't make it up...
That formula is terrible anyway, the unit name is way off to the side. Razell did my overlap for me instead, and it was better because it was centered.
I always have a lot of trouble centering overlaps. That would be a tutorial I would use.
I'm trying to overlap the word "Innocent"
Cant seem to do it. can someone try it out and help me out here? Thanks.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Nov 27 2004, 12:44 PM)
CTRL+Tab, buddy.
That doesn't work.
And this helped me...
Don't be such jackass', guys.
Some new might stumble upon this instead of posting another stupid question like me.
Also, would you guys fill me in on the whole *Enter*, and "center" and "newline" thing?
Personnaly, I dont know how to overlap. Mainly because I would never use it anyways. It just serves no perpose. Still it is good to know how.......I guess.
Alsomt everyone has there own overlapping formula. Anyone here has the Align Center Tag and Align Right Tag? I never used that but I would like to try it.
Its fine in the center for 2x overlaps but the only way to overlap it 3x is off the the side a bit. And I agree with D-von This could be useful to some people.
Liryc here is that overlap you wanted. I didnt know where to put it so I put it on the map name, force, breifing and unit name.