Ive decided to annoucet my new current map im working on here are the details:
Story:You are a soldier doing whats best for the world (in your own eyes that is.)
ww2 in short terms.
Specail things:You can choose your Side. (germans/americans) you can chose your location/weapon. You also can use gernades and medic packs.and you can get into tanks/jeeps. (thanks to temp)
Locations:im not so sure but i do have one so far done. Omaha Beach.
Help?:well i think i might need help in comming up with ideas on other specail ablitys so im open for ideas.
Panzer Tank
Sherman Tank
Half Track
Others:This map is very complex for me seeing that i have almost 100 triggers done so far for omaha and im not even down with omaha O_O.
1.Can you Drive Vechiles?
Yes, but you need specail requirments to do so2.What Sides are there?
There are going to be 2 sides. American & german3.Will there be specail abilitys?
Yes But the only ones i have now are."Entering Vechiles" "Gernades" "healing" 4.Is There any muiltplayer in this map?
No. i would put muilt but my last muil turned out disaster from doubling triggers etc.
5.I wanna be the Russians in call of duty!
I plan to only have battles with the americans and Germans Sorry to all that wants to play russians
6.What are the weapons?
The weapons are kinda classified, you will half to play the map to find out
7.Any realistic sytle added in map like people screaming when they get out of there houses? And Planes moving back and fore?
Yes, I will have plans moving about and i plan to have a death Camp possibly.
8.How do you switch weapons?
There will be instructions.
9.Going add ammo system?
I probally will and probally not ill keep that in mind
Yes for each level there will be missions and additionl missions
11.RPG Elements?
12.Crossing water?
Likly not due to the fact that there is no real rivers besides one and its a river river
10.Breaking though fences?
Yes there will be some moments when you can break threw them
In-editor Screens:
When your plane gets shot down you land here with some troops and try to break threw there def
A group of soldiers have a blow out. (then ones circled turn into your side)
a part at omaha for the final rush
when retreating at omaha your main town gets ambushed
the screenshot above but in-game