I'm asking isolatedpurity or Moose(I think he can also do this).
Make a new Map Category called Shooting/Kill em' All
I mean basicly when you go into the "Others" section there are many different types of maps but there are also a lot of Maps like WW2, Civilization, Diplomacy and others like marine Boot Camp.
I think there are enough numbers of these maps and they are similar enough to have their own category. This category will include all types of games where you need to kill the enemy to win in a WW2 map style. You just send units and try to win.
THis new category will be filled with maps like WW2, Civilization, Diplomacy, marine Boot Camp style, Special Forces mpas and other similar maps,
Yea so would games like LotR, helms deep, and minas tirith go in there?
You know i think we also need to make a new category for bounds.
Divide them into these:
ty bounds
- Pointless bounds
- Retarded bounds
- Boring bounds
- Low quality bounds
This way it would be so much easier to find and dl a bound that fits your preference.
If you want that beer... I'll do it. However, I don't think the title is too descriptive or specific. "Kill em all" is like 90% of maps.
Make games... like ACW, WW2, etc etc games in Diplomacy... -.-"
And the bounds... well you on your own...
Marine Boot Camp, could techinically fall under RPG since you are.. well playin as a a marine -.-
Empire Maps
Since in Diplomacy, and Civilization your making empires by capturing resources or cities.
Historic Maps
WWII, WWI, some Diplo Maps may fall here if they are purely Historic baised.
and I think but am not sure if you have a catagory of Defense maps, but technically even in special forces your under attack in one location. As you are in most maps where you use super units to fight back against constant waves of enemy forces. This is where I would put Special forces maps, although the creation of an 'Assult' map type might also open up better classification for some maps in this style.
I'm not good at thinking of good names and yes LOTR maps will also be in there.
Maybe SF/Empire maps will do.
Mainly all maps that require you to just kill the units using your own tactics/strategies. You pretty much have to Defened against and Attack other armies.
MA - I'm speaking seriously here, those are just one category. I was also thinking of dividing up bounds but I couldn't think of any way to separate them.
Can someone come with a better name besides SF/Empire Maps?
I agree though... Diplomancy is too awesome to be in an "other" catagory...
but I don't see how Special forces would be grouped with such games...
I thought of SF since there are quite a few of them in the "Others" section but it doesn't have to be in the new category.
If SF will not be included than make the name Empire/Diplomacy maps.
I'm good with either options, just make the category when you have the time.
I'll change the name when you have something better...
Aight thanks, I'll start moving maps as of the time I press Add Reply.
ADDITION: Done, that was fast.
I moved 18 maps from the "Others" section and into the "Tactical Warfare" section. I only put the maps that I have played before or a similar version. I know there are other maps that need to be moved.
If someone finds a mpa that needs to be moved(any map, doesn't have to be this kind of map) tell me.
is it supposed to be spelled 'Tatical Warfare'? or 'Tactical Warfare'?
cause thats how you spelled it
I think it's written Tactical Warefare.
LOL I think IP made a spelling mistake.
But how whould I know, english isn't my first language
I'm positive that it is "Tactical Warfare." I'm supreme English master if you ever need a correction. X-)
I'm positive google knows the answer, and so does SmarterChild, and same with dictionary.com and many other places
You people should spell check your posts more
Call it Scenario maps.
EDIT: I'm too lazy to re-explain myself so I'll just copy+paste what I said to Moose.
SaLaCiouS uUu: i think that new section should be called Scenario Maps
Mini Moose: WTF
Mini Moose: Every map is a SCENARIO
SaLaCiouS uUu: right
SaLaCiouS uUu: since when is an RPG a scenario
SaLaCiouS uUu: or a bound
SaLaCiouS uUu: you're not recreating a possible scenario
SaLaCiouS uUu: madnesses and defenses are just fun maps
SaLaCiouS uUu: they're not a scenario
SaLaCiouS uUu: Math's SWAT team map? That's a scenario
SaLaCiouS uUu: Do you see the logic?
Theres some pretty good logic in there SaLa.
It's like a pre-placed scenario you already got your armies and cities pre-placed and depending on which player you are you can fight others since they might be stronger or weaker than you and allies are already placed.
Only problem with this name is what Moose said, the people not familiar with this, will think that every map is a scenario.
Maybe Pre-Placed Scenarios will work better. I won't ask IP to change it right now, but we is still open for suggestions.
i don't like... it's just the name itself is non descriptive
You'll have noobs being like "what the hell is that?" I myself wouldn't understand what it meant if I wasn't reading this post.