I want to make a DnD map. However, I want to make it like the REAL DnD. Like you take turns and stuff. But I have come across many problems.
I think that the turn thing might be somewhat boring, but if i put a timer then that should make that a much less problem.
Anohter is the triggers, if I am going to make it like DnD, then the triggers will be a bi+ch. I will have to figure out how to make like a random # generator =/ which will be so hard in SC. I was thinking that maybe if you make an area that says move 1 any unit in an area, then I think I can make 20 units numbered from 1-20 and whichever one is removed will be the # you get. But, I will probibly need to test this out. Becasue it might take the same one every time.
Also, for the stats, the best idea would probibly to just have units named like strenght and stuff and the number of units you have is the number of your stat.
Movement, I might have to make them neutral and have triggers that make them move where you want it to go. Also, it would be hard to make them move just up 5 feet, don't think I have seen a trigger that can do that.
Also the amount of things you can do in a turn. I could probibly put like 2 units in your "actions left" or something. And it uses 1 for your actions, like it will use 1when you move, 1 when you attack, 1 when you reload, etc.
Also, I will have to make it able for you to move 1 square at a time but don't know how I can limit it. Maybe if they pick an action of move, then it gives you 6 moves where you can go 5 ft each time.
If I do have 5 ft squares, the map might be a little small since there will be tons of squares.
I would apreciate it so much if anyone could give me some ideas about anything to make this map work.
Right now, it looks like its a long road ahead for me.
Ok, here's an idea, maybe no one made an exact D&D adaptation for SC because that would stick? Ideas have to be changed to move onto certain platforms, and in this case, the current format for D&D/RP maps is the best, though the D&D maps out are of poor quality. I suggest instead of wasting time making an exremely complicated map that won't be fun to play anyway, just make a very high quality version of the current style of SC D&D maps.
QUOTE(SaLaCiouS(U) @ Dec 15 2004, 09:59 PM)
Ok, here's an idea, maybe no one made an exact D&D adaptation for SC because that would stick? Ideas have to be changed to move onto certain platforms, and in this case, the current format for D&D/RP maps is the best, though the D&D maps out are of poor quality. I suggest instead of wasting time making an exremely complicated map that won't be fun to play anyway, just make a very high quality version of the current style of SC D&D maps.
Let people make their maps the way they want... instead of discouraging them from making any map at all, personally i never seen A MAP by you SaLaCiouS(U)suck.
I agree with Salacious.
Instead of making D&D, make an uber map in a similar style to the current D&D's.
Another important thing would to have pre-made crap, and a tutorial for DM's, that way Heroes aren't bored out of their mind waiting for DM's, and DM's don't sit there doing nothing or mass units and kill the Heroes while calling the map gay.
IMO, if I wanna play D&D, I'll go to gamespy forums.
To create a turn based system, you'd need to create a board as it were, and something which is based on the units position to hold them in position, i'd have a location with units being burrowed underneath, and at times you get forced to them, stopping the players from moving, enabling mulitple play.
what i would do is to try to find the creator of yu-gi-ho duel monsters and ask him for the turn-based trigger because that game is entirely turn based.
I think you should work on what you planned in the begining, the type of D&D maps I've seen suck and I wouldn't play 'em even If they were "High quality". I suggest you work on what you were, It sounds fun.
BTW, If you wanna make a random unit move, have a closed off location with Junkyard Dog and when you are randomizing It, move 1 unit at the location to another location (It'll move whichever one is closest to the left). Then check to see which one was moved... and make sure it Recrates at the Junkyard loc. I would probably put some doodads or buildings for the units to get stuck on to work even more on the random effect.
Thanks for the help
Also, do you think it would work if for a random number generatior if i put 20 units labeled 1-20 and make it say "move 1 any units from an area with them all in it, then whichever one is removed is the number they get. But im not sure if it will randomly remove 1 of them, it might get the same one every time. Think that it would work? im gonna prolly try test it out some time, when I feal like it.
Actually, randomness is handled via switches, to my knowledge. It has to do with lots of toggling and setting. If the state of the switch is random when SC starts, its probably pretty straight forward. However, if it is always 'cleared' when SC starts...
You could have 2 computers doing the work, maybe. 6 marines surround a ghost, with the same stats, and the same distance from the ghost. When you go to the dice beacon, the 'ghost' computer unallies the 'marine' computer, and the ghost will kill a marine. And these marines have locs around them, and if a marine isn't in a loc... thats your dice.
To make dice you would randomize several switches and put a number to every outcomes. For example if you used two switches the outcomes would be set,set-clear,clear-set,clear-clear,set. For unit stats just use scrolling leaderboards. I'm not sure if there is a tutorial on this but it is really easy to do and if you need to just post a thread on it or something. For movement I would use one of those systems that keep locations constantly around a unit you want. It is pretty advanced though. Would you use square terrain for this? Like maybe a large 'world' area that leads to smaller areas where you can do the one square at a time movement thing. And have like random battles in the areas so they can lvl up or w/e. I have no idea how D&D workds though because i've never played it but I don't see why you couldn't make a map on it. I say you give it a try. I'd rather play maps like this that require brains (I love that YUGIOH Duel Monsters map) than some orc hunt.
Snake)Ling there is an action to randomize swithces. And that system you invented wouldn't even work, it always kills the same marine first.
VoidArchon(MC) don't flame you lameass. How don't care how much priest
you had to suck, you are one
ed up
. Btw, the joke is SaLaCiouS(U)cks.