I was just thinking about this when I woke up so don't expect a super new and revolutionary idea. Anyways, I was thinking about using the supply counter for health measuring. For example, Bob has 18 health, represented by terran supply (like 3 BCs). Bob also has 120 'energy' points, represented by zerg supply (like 120 hydras). It's also possible to use supply max. as a counter instead of supply, as well as combining both ideas and making the supply the counter and supply max the counter for the highest amount that the supply can go. That max gets higher when the player 'levels up' for example.
Any thoughts?
Is this old?
I still don't understand how'll that count health... like... you have your character, it has 100 hp, you create 100 marines in the corner of the map... than what? do you expect the marines in the corner die when your characters hp goes down and respawn when your characters hp goes up?
there have to be some triggers involved... post em'!
Well maybe not HEALTH counter.

That's what I get for posting too early in the morning. Atleast it'll count energy,ect.
Trigger |
Players: |
¤ The human player |
Conditions: |
¤ 'cast ____' is set |
Actions: |
¤ remove # _____
¤ clear 'cast ___'
¤ wait ____
¤ preserve trigger |
Does that-----------------------------------------------------------------^ look bad?
Im guessing cast is a switch..
What good does the switch do if theres no REAL conditions, or anything else to set it.
I would think the switch has nothing to do with the energy. How is the ENERGY determined?
I didn't stick in the "set 'Cast ___'" trigger because I had to go to church soon and that I'm such a lazy person. The 'energy' is determined by the supply which is determined by sticking units in the 'supply controlling units box' thingy. Basically, this means you can slap me for being wierd like my usual self. Ain't I wierd?
BTW, removing the ____ is 'using' the 'energy' to cast the spell.
I never was a good explainer was I?
Preplace all the units, and use "give unit".
Then use triggers to get the number of supply right, without using 100 marines, maybe like 12 Battlecruisers and 10 marines.
My question was, how do you determine a units energy.
How is the trigger going to know how many marines to make?
Unless your controling the energy with another trigger.
I've done stuff like this before in the way of mana. But it was something like 1 zergling = 50 comsat mana. Not something new, but not a bad idea either.
OH! I see what your doing...
Your not making a counter, for a Units energy.
Your making a new system, where you can use supply as somewhat a condition for a trigger.
Sorry, forget my last posts.
Which also allows you to quickly see how much mana or whatever you have.
Yep, exaaaaactly what I was thinking. Except I forgot what I was thinking.
The supply counter is like the adrenaline counter from Unreal Tournament 2004. It's on your display at all times. It powers your super-duper cool moves. It's even is in the same corner in both games.
Talk about coincidences.
so let me see what your trying to say...
like have several units placed on a map that take up 200 space of a person that isent used for the map(like for the player)
then when they do something wrong subtract 1 or 2 life or lives
is that what your talking about or did i make a whoal new concept?
Why do you people think you need 200 units? Jesus christ that is way too many. You use at MAX 45 for 200 supply.
Lol, some people think alike...
With three different counters (supply counters), you could do a full on FPS style interface in SC.
Wait, wasn't there a Counter-Strike map production thread somewhere around here?
The problem is simply that you cant waste that much space on most maps. Thus, use zerg and create burrowed units on top of each other, taking 1 space, plus the hero overlord, is small area required. If you need another display i would suggest terran, use scvz and order them all to mine at a small area. in this way they would not hinder each other and would take up very little room. (provided there are enough minerals, fastest map anyone -.-)
I love thinking up good new ideas and having no one say anything about them. =/ I actually thought that using scvz and probes as miners would be a great idea, as units that are mining dont impede one anothers way. Thus, you could get 2 new supply counters in the space it takes to stack 400 mineral patches, 200 scvz and probes (owned by a computer until you have to give them to the player), and 2 cc's and 2 nexuses. Brilliant? No? Please?
Nice idea Faz-, although I thought this topic died already.

I hate resurrecting topics. <_< >_>
The forum necromancer strikes