I was working on MTA (of course), and I came across the mass spawning trap glitch (for those who were playing with me while I figured out how it worked and how to use it against you, you know what it is). I found out something very perculiar. Hallucinated units are not counted as a unit (duh) but when you center location on a unit, it can be centered on a hallucinated one.
So triggers cannot detect that there is a hallucinated unit at a location, or even if a player commands a hallucinated unit, but triggers can move locations onto hallucinated units.
I could use that in an RPG, that's awesome. So hallucinating units could act as a ghost in a map, passing through things that kills everyone else.
I noticed that a while back when I was working with halucinated units used for offense.
I noticed that a while back making RPG maps... it also makes sence since those unita are basicly blue colored sprites with just half the varibles of an ordinary unit... :\