Every time I play Asteroids the ship can't move, so all I can do is shoot straight forward. It's very frustrating, and has made me not want to play it again.
are you hitting up?
is there something wrong with your up key?
let me check and edit if this happens to me
Are you sure you selected the window browser?
There are some bug in those games but Isolatedpurity can't do anything about it.
Like demonic defense, I've had 2 Catapults with no hp and you can't do anything to them expect wait until they kill you castle...
Speaking of DD2 and errors, I'd like to report this (Why make a new topic?)
[/quote]The error returned was:
This score was not submitted from the game. Your score will not be saved. [/quote]
That's what shows up most of the time that I try to submit my SCORE. I die, and it takes me to that window.
Edit: I might have figured it out. I just pressed the back button rather than clicking on the link. I pressed back and refreshed, that worked too. =\
Also, I don't if that's a bug or not, but when I press "Collect Minerals" I get no minerals...
It did wrote that I've won minerals above tho.
How many times have you collected that day? You can only collect 2 times. And im not sure dd2 gives minerals anymore....
I don't think you're supposed to be able to move in Asteroids.

You can... but if you aren't moving, you aren't doing something right...
usually it's best not to move anyways... except in extreme situations

I just played it again, and the same thing happened. When it starts out, I can spin about 270°, then it just stops, and I'm stuck. Then, if I press forward, it starts going, but I can't move it anymoer after that. All I can do is shoot. I'm on a Mac, if that changes anything?