Yeah, some of you might know of me from Battleforums, or somewhere else. I've changed my name quite a few times on East, as of recent. Some of the names I've had are....EvolutionEight, RyanGAYWing, Clown-Genitals, and my current one: 4G63. I'm usually in OP Battleforums, or playing with a few members.
I usually try and make a map, but I get distracted. I've had quite a few good ideas (posting it, and feedback is awesome), so I hope that if I post here, I'll actually have the determination to finish the map
Here's a few of my ideas, as of late:
OMFG The Marines (Yes, I hope I can finish this. Marines, Super Marines, Medics, and Infested Marines- Over an Hour Long Game [if finished])
Alchemist Battle (You start out with a Caster/Alchemist. You browse the playing field for [up to, the slot #'s are upgradable] items to put in your belt. The Object is to kill your enemy which can be up to three at once [4 players in the map].)
Overmind Defense (Each Side is much smaller, making for faster gameplay. Adding in 3 spells for each side [50% Enemy HP, Move Enemy Units to the middle {useful for when your Overmind gets swarmed to all hell}, and Your Units Invincible for 10 seconds. There's a global Spell for removing all the units, which takes at least 3 people to do.)
Also have (in the back of my head, it's an old old project that I never actually got working) a map like Alchemist Battle, but it's much much more complicated.