Hello, I am RaVe@Uswest. I havent played SC in awhile and I want to know who the people making maps these days are. So just decided to post here. BTW I also play a bit on USeast as DisSaGe.
Hi welcome to Staredit Newtwork.
You will be offered a kiwi pretty soon.
Well considering this is a map making community. I think most of them make maps.
may i offer you A KIWI?
welcome to SEN! if anyone picks on you, just point to my siggy!
Lol, thanks for the greet you guys, I really appreciate it
I wish y'all a happy new year!
Welcome Rave,
Bow down to your good of moogles
; muhehe, :Gives rave kupo nut:
Enjoy your stay here, happy new year mate.
*Bows to Moogle*
. I think I'll stay here for awhile
Hey, RaVe, long-time. Just stopped by to say hi. Whoa, that rhymes.
welcome to staredit.net, hey by any chance would you like a....KIWI????
Rave it's been a LONG LONG TIME.
RaVe I don't know who you are but welcome to SEN I hope you have a great time with our community.